-A majority of Iowans don’t regard a gay marriage ban as a priority, according to a new poll.

-SyFy channel’s Caprica features a married gay couple.

-Brendan Burke, the openly gay son of hockey legend Brian Burke, dies in a car accident.

-The National Organization for Marriage has a field day with the revelation that Prop 8 judge Vaughn Walker is gay.

-Senator Chuck Schumer nominates an openly gay man for a judicial position.

-Lt. Dan Choi returns to active duty.

-Another “pro-family” advocate calls for the criminalization of homosexuality.

-An Orlando performance artist announces he will marry a total stranger to protest anti-gay marriage laws.

-Peterson Toscano talks about the widespread problem of spiritual abuse.

-The Baptist Press latches onto a misrepresentation of a recent study of gay male couples.

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