-A group of Russian and Slavic Christians stage an anti-Referendum 71 rally in Washington one day before 1,500 Washingtonians march in support of 71.

-The Alliance Defense Fund sues to try to stop New York from recognizing out-of-state same-sex marriages.

-California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signs two gay rights bills.

-The Obama Administration begins working with key senators to introduce a Don’t Ask Don’t Tell repeal bill.

Nearly 2/3 of Stand For Marriage Maine’s funds have come from two sources: the National Organization for Marriage and the Catholic Diocese of Portland.

-Elder Dallin Oakes compares gay rights advocates who protest the Mormon church’s role in the passage of Proposition 8 to racists who intimidated black voters in the 1960s.

-Estimates of attendance for the National Equality March run as high as 200,000.

-Toby Hunter’s murderer receives a minimal sentence after using the “gay panic” defense in court.

-The LA Times publishes an interactive map showing the state-by-state progress (and regress) of marriage equality over the last nine years.

-The Jamaican government remains adamantly opposed to granting any rights or protections to its LGBT citizens.

-Jon Stewart takes Fox News to task for ignoring the National Equality March.

-Musician Buju Banton reiterates his hostility toward gays and lesbians.

-Maine’s Attorney General confirms that the state’s marriage equality law does not impact school curricula or parental choice, contra allegations by Stand For Marriage Maine.

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