The pastor of a Connecticut Pentecostal church in the news for performing an exorcism on a gay teen told CNN that her church is not against homosexuality.
“We do not hate [homosexuals]. We do not come up against them. We just do not believe in their lifestyle,” said Pastor Patricia McKinney of Manifested Glory Church, Bridgeport. Asked whether a gay person could be a member of the church, she said they could not live the lifestyle, but “when you come in, you can get delivered by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
She later added that homosexuals are “all welcome in our church, but when they come in, they have to get delivered.” Pastor McKinney said that the 16-year-old boy seen in a video convulsing as he underwent a demonic deliverance was “a very religious young man” who was “very spiritual and very powerful,” and consented to prayer because he “did not want to live this way.”
Expounding on the beliefs behind the deliverance, McKinney said, “Everyone carries a spirit. You have the alcohol spirit. You have the crack cocaine spirit. You have the adulterous spirit.”
Watch the original video – in which McKinney and others are heard shouting commands such as “Loose your grip, Lucifer, you sex demon!” at the gay teen – and decide for yourself whether the 25-strong church is “against homosexuality.”
“when they come in, they have to get delivered”
In other words, this occultic pastor with an ordination purchased from a diploma mill intends to physically and verbally assault and demonize any gay person of faith who walks through the door.
How can a woman become a senior pastor at a church like this? Most conservative churches forbid the participation of women in the clergy. Some even forbid women of speaking during services.
And Exodus refuses to explicitly oppose or condemn ex-gay exorcism. The most that they can manage is a statement to MSNBC that they do not enthusiastically “support” ex-gay exorcism.
@ Mike: You would think, at least, that Exodus would want to compare its therapeutic techniques, with their sciency veneers, favorably to an exorcism technique involving forcing a teenager to vomit. At least, I would. It would work the same as their positioning of themselves favorably to Fred Phelps and his family/church.
I know this will sound picky to some of you as well, but “occultic”? I am an occultist. I know other occultists. We use herbs and incantations and dances and charms. We don’t gang up on a person in order to literally scream and beat a trait that we dislike out of him.
It’s like they actually want to invite people in to get gay-bashed.
No, they don’t hate homosexuals.
So why then do they want homosexuals to disappear from the Earth never to be heard from?
Apparently the rich and abundant diversity and variance of human life isn’t ‘meant’ or supposed to happen.
Apparently our Creator didn’t like being bored, and doesn’t want US to be bored either.
The Orthodox rabbi and his family that live next door are about as devout and God loving as I’ve ever seen.
I know all the customs of the Orthodox temple.
This family has it in their hearts to know that gay people can’t teach us anything if they aren’t around to, and that diversity is a healthy thing for their children. It makes life more interesting.
Their eldest is four and she’s all over the place with her affection, she doesn’t care what you are. Her parents haven’t ‘carefully taught’ her about making such superficial judgments in the negative.
She getting her religious training, she’s so good with the kidush and she’s bi lingual English and Hebrew.
If only some people would keep their innocent curiosity about what’s strange or different and ASK first, rather than TELL first.
Dr. Cass asked no questions. HE knows EVERYTHING already.
ohhhhh, so SHE was an addict. But she’s NEVER been gay, so how the hell would SHE know or equate those things as the same?!
When ever someone equates rapists and murderers along with homosexuality, I tell them if they were put in a cell with a murderer, or in a seat next to homosexual, they seriously don’t think THEY’D have a preference as to who’d they trusted to be alone with?
Will someone in the media please call out people when they use the word “lifestyle”? I’m really getting tired of hearing that meaningless term.
Thank you Christopher!
That word sets my teeth on edge every time I hear it too.
Why is it that with EVERY other kind of minority, incorrect words or derogatory ones aren’t allowed.
If journalists are there to get accurate information, then this is a good place to start.
I guess they don’t like correcting their guests, no matter how much they need to?
Please God, deliver us from those who wish to deliver us. Amen.
Mike A, first I don’t think it helps our cause to use put-downs for others’ religions. I am not sure what “occultist” means in your sentence but I assume in part you just mean you don’t like Pentecostals or maybe you sorta like them but not when they carry out rituals like this. You could be a little clearer. Why don’t you define your term. Also I have no idea how she was ordained, do you have any real information on that?
KZ, Pentecostal churches have historically been more tolerant of women ministers. Again maybe we all need to learn something.
Of course what she is doing is harmful in many ways, but ignorance of others’ religious traditions and name calling by glbt people is not going to help the situation one bit.
As I said yesterday, they have a demon for everything. It’s hard for people who aren’t from this religious world to imagine that this kind of barbarism still exists in this day and age — and in this country.
But it does. And now the world can see it, live in all its vomitous glory.
Year ago in earl October, I was in Boston touring with a show. I thought it would be a fun Halloween thing to do would be to go to Salem and check out the witch history.
Myself and three other friends took the tour, and very, VERY sobering thoughts emerged for me.
The three young hemophiliacs who lived in Florida who were infected with HIV through transfusions: their house was firebombed and those boys were refused entrance into public school, as was young Ryan White.
Children bullying other children with anti gay epithet until those children commit suicide.
Outright execution as in the case of Lawrence King.
The strange contradiction that although straight folks will state emphatically that they think same sex sex is disgusting and an abomination, they seem to firmly believe that having sex with a gay person whether by consent or forcefully is a good idea for turning a gay person straight.
But the belief that homosexuality is some foreign entity that breaks the individual or a factor that can be changed or turned with the external ease of shouts and physical restraint like this….
reminds me that some of us aren’t too far removed from the 1692 mass hysteria that destroyed so much trust and common sense and became a deadly campaign of neighbor against neighbor.
I know that such ceremonies make for theatrics and noise and impress those into believing even more, but this is serious damage in the making of a tender soul.
Steve is right. It’s barbaric and I’m sick and tired of the fear tactics utilized by such Christians on very young gay people.
Dr. Cass, the anti Christian defamation leader who supports this treatment doesn’t care about the deeper situation going on except to his own ends of making another gay person disappear.
He can be very cavalier about the amount of pressure, effort and sheer difficulty it is.
It’s not HIS life, and never will be. But he’s very self satisfied that he’s absolutely right.
However, it’s not defamation of Christians if people witness and see it for the freakish show it is, and reject it.
It’s not defamation if such a thing is witnessed by children and they are traumatized by it and perhaps there is a movement to have such things NEVER done to and in front of young people.
Fear is not morality or grace. It’s just the most shamefully powerful tool used by and amongst those of faith to gain utter control.
How can that ever be right?