There’s a two page article on ex-gay stuff in the current issue of People Magazine which hit newsstands today (Friday) and will arrive in mailboxes on Tuesday. I was interviewed for the article but they didn’t run any of that, instead deciding to go with a half page photo. Ex-gay survivor Peterson Toscano is also interviewed in the story.
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That’s a nice photo.
The overly earnest title of that article bothers me. As does all this about “sparking a debate”. What is this debate? Most people I know – gay and straight – don’t think much of Ted Haggard’s sudden claim to heterosexuality. Only the media – which looks for any excuse to prop up ex-gays – seems to think this has caused a big serious discussion. They recycle the same points again and again, and try to act like they are just reporting on some big new movement. Most of the movement is caused by their own breathless reporting and spinning that maybe gays can go straight. Just like their endless coverage and Newsweek cover of John Paulk back in the late 90’s. Now we’re back to that yet again. Gee, can gays go straight? We have no proof of such a thing, or even close to proof, but let’s pretend and encourage even more people to believe homosexuality is a sickness to cure.