Sexual Identity Therapist Dr. Warren Throckmorton, who recently pulled out of the NARTH conference program over their handling of Dr. Gerald Schoenewolf’s justification of slavery, has created this poignant video reminder of the historical facts surrounding this issue. The civil rights movement is not about political correctness, it is about moral decency. Please be advised, this is a powerful look at a gruesome part of our history. Some of it may be, and in fact should be, disturbing.
Good video, thanks. I have some objections to one of Timothy’s comments linked here which I expound upon my blog.
do not even try to equate slavery with homosexuality; gay people are not taken into the street and bought and sold; they have a choice , slaves did not have a choice I suppose next you will try to equate your choice with the holocaust
You are the only person in the vicinity of this web site who appears to be equating homosexuality with sins such as slavery and anti-Semitism.
And you also appear to be the only person attempting to make a distinction between organized violence against Jews who choose their religion, and organized violence against gays and exgays.
Violence is violence. It is always a sin, no matter who the target is: That is a moral absolute for Christians from Quaker and Mennonite traditions.
Noreen, your comment also implies that slavery would be OK if blacks could somehow choose their race or ethnicity. WRONG. Slavery is immoral regardless of who is being enslaved.
Noreen, your comment advocates moral relativism and your comment also excuses some kinds of violence and slavery. Was that your intent?
Schoenewolf argues that human rights advocates have not reached Piaget’s fourth stage of intellectual development (abstract reasoning). He and Nicolosi seem to be missing the point entirely. This dicussion is not about being “politcally correct”. it’s about being historically and morally correct. As things stand now, NARTH is neither.
I would like to suggest that Schoenewolf and Nicolosi have not reached Kohlber’s SIXTH stage moral development:
Wikipedia says:
“In Stage six, moral reasoning is based on abstract reasoning using universal ethical principles. Laws are valid only insofar as they are grounded in justice, and that a commitment to justice carries with it an obligation to disobey unjust laws.”
Since this requires abstract thinking and some sense of univeral ethical principles, how does one go about making tough moral and ethical decisions? How do we decide to treat another person — or what to print — or what political/religious position to take?
From Wikipedia: “…This can be done by imagining what one would do being in anyone’s shoes…”
Sadly, I do not think that NARTH has that kind of imagination.'s_stages_of_moral_development
Perhaps Schoenewolf and Nicolosi have reached Hubbard’s third stage of Operating Thetan, wherein the secrets of the universe and humanity’s spiritual enslavement at the hands of the evil galactic overlord Xenu are revealed, granting one immense powers over MEST.
Often, ex gays use the language of slavery.
Coming out of the ‘bondage’ of homosexuality.
‘Freedom’ from unwanted same sex attraction.
In America, slavery was to the white man’s whims, economic power and commitment to his supremacy.
As a black woman, thoroughly educated regarding the civil rights movement, the Holocaust and the internment of native Americans onto reservations and their indoctrination in Christianity and ‘the white man’s way’…
I’d say that what gays and lesbians have exprienced is forced commitment to heterosexual supremacy and power.
And that supremacy is maintained by intimidation, threat, isolation, suspension of basic rights and violence.
This is still prevalent. Gay children are not able to freely integrate in schools and are called out of their names and their identity has become epithet, whether that child is gay or not.
One’s color isn’t their gender isn’t their religion isn’t their cultural identity.
We only have to know but one identity:
All of us have the same basic needs. A home, education, a family, love, and community. Justice and fair consideration of our needs and obligations.
And every right to all of those things.
Deny any a person any one or more of those things, our society cannot call itself moral or right.
Ensure that everyone has these things, and the rest will take care of itself.
Noreen, take heed of my words and that of the others here.
Straight people have no right to dominion over gay people and their self determination any more than white men did over blacks or men over women.
Ain’t nobody’s blues the same…but they still blues…
Regan, I so want to make sure I can use your quote in other places…it is a quintessential point that can’t be made enough.
Noreen, there is no need for people to equate homosexuality with the holocaust. It is already historical fact that gay people, marked by the upside down pink triangle just as jews were marked by the yellow star of david, suffered the same fate as jewish people, gypsies or any of the others rounded up as part of the Nazi ‘Final Solution’.
I do sleep easier living in a country that still at least gives lip service to the concept that all of us are created equal, and endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights and that among these rights are the right of liberty, justice, and the pursuit of happiness.
Maybe one day I’ll be able to pursue happiness with my partner without having to be told that we don’t enjoy rights in our relationship because of someone else’s religious beliefs.