Excerpt from Truth Wins Out press release via Wayne Besen:

In Letter, National Black Justice Coalition Urges Dr. Joseph Nicolosi To Apologize For His Organization’s Divisive Article

MIAMI BEACH, Fla. – Truth Wins Out called on Focus on the Family today to cancel a Saturday keynote speaking appearance by Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, the Executive Director of The National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), after a column was discovered on the group’s website that appeared to justify slavery.

The National Black Justice Coalition (NBJC) also wrote a letter to Dr. Nicolosi this afternoon, calling on his organization to apologize for posting the article. NBJC is a national civil rights organization of black lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people that fosters equality by fighting racism and homophobia.

“In the name of propriety, respect, common decency and professional integrity, the National Black Justice Coalition strongly urges NARTH to issue a public apology on the front page of its website for publishing such an outrageous and offensive article,” wrote H. Alexander Robinson CEO/Executive Director in the group’s letter. “We also hope that you reevaluate your relationship with Dr. Schoenewolf whose peculiar views have no place in civilized discourse.”

Read more at Wayne Besen’s web site.

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