An AP article reports on the two dozen protesters that NARTH and FOTF shipped in to protest the APA’s position on reorientation.

The group, which was sponsored by the conservative ministry Focus on the Family, was protesting what it sees as the APA’s views on the immutability of homosexuality.

NARTH’s Nicolosi made claims about his miracle cure but his discription of “cured” doesn’t seem much like heterosexuality to me

Nicolosi, who works with people wanting to change their sexuality, said that he has found about a third of his patients experience no change, a third have what he called “significant improvement.” and a third adopt a heterosexual life style.

“They marry and are cured,” Nicolosi said. “They may have an occasional attraction, but not a major or constant one.”

I don’t know many straight guys that have “occasional attractions” to other guys. Nicolosi is defining success as marriage… and he he thinks its just politics that the APA isn’t taking his position to heart.

Dr. Clinton Anderson of the APA was not swayed by Nicolosi and his band of “people who had changed from homosexuality”.

“There has never been a well designed study to show that people can change,” Anderson said. “Our concern about the so-called conversation therapy is that it isn’t supported by science. There is simply no sufficiently scientifically sound evidence that sexual orientation can be changed.”

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