The Uniting Church, Australia’s third largest Christian denomination, was formed in 1977 by the union of the Congregational Union, the Methodist Church, and the Presbyterian Church. Like many churches in English speaking nations, the Uniting Church is discovering the difficulty in keeping in fellowship those who believe in the full inclusion of gay persons in the body of Christ and those who believe that Scripture forbids acceptance of homosexuality.
In 2003, the Church adopted Resolution 84, which allows individual presbyteries to appoint gay clergy. Church leaders insist this reaffirms the autonomy of presbyteries, but conservatives say it endorses gay ministry and oversteps the boundaries of biblical orthodoxy. Growing concern and anger going into the national assembly this week appears to be heading towards a showdown which will result in a less unified church.
I am less familiar with the ongoing conflict in Australia and cannot predict whether the debate will find resolution, if the church will split, or if a “church within a church” compromise will be achieved. I welcome comments from those who know the situation better.
Sources of information include the Sydney Morning Herald, The Australian, and The Age. (I don’t know the credibility of these papers so I apologize if any are tabloid in nature).
Couldn’t care two hoots about the issue itself, but:
Generally, these are the better Australian papers. The SMH and The Age are both Fairfax papers, and broadsheets, in competition with the (generally, and sometimes stunningly revolting) Murdoch papers (ie The Telegraph in Sydney, The Herald-Sun in Melbourne). Murdoch, as he does elsewhere, provides a platform for anti-gay views that would probably be edited, conterbalanced or refused elsewhere. Fairfax papers are generally better.
The Australian is a Murdoch, but is rather more of a refined version of the Telegraph et al. And less likely to be anti-gay. Much smaller circulation.
Bet you’re happy now
yikes!! now I’m completely confused.
Who is reputable enough to quote?
And what is your take (if any) on the threat of a division in the Uniting Church?
You chose what are probably the better papers, if that is what you are worrying about.
Its a pity that this is happening; the UCA was the first hint I ever received that gay-affirming churches existed. And they weren’t just a bunch of bible-dismissing hippies, as my (rather conservative Sydney Diosces Anglican) church would have portrayed them as.
Hopefully sense will prevail, but I’m not counting on it. I was considering the Uniting Church of Australia as a future church. This makes things more confusing and difficult than they had to be.
This in essence is the same thing the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) is going thru.
Random Observer,
I too escaped from a Sydney Anglican church. The Uniting Church is still worth a try; just choose carefully. I unfortunately ended up at one on the very conservative end of the spectrum. There are, however, a number of friendly congregations – check the list of open and affirming congregations on the Uniting Network site at