”One for gay sex please…”
It’s not often you walk up to a ticket booth and a legitimate theater and say that. I went to see Gay Sex in the ‘70s last night. For those of you interested the last showing at the Laemmle Sunset 5 is on Thursday night. Sometimes I just get tired of trying to intellectualize how all my experiences in gay culture might possibly relate to exgays so I’m not going to try and do that. Rather I’ve got a few thoughts on the film.
Footage of the 70s consisted of old news footage, some pornography and absolutely brilliant still photographs. One of the interviewees is gay photographer Tom Bianchi so I’m guessing they were his. Most of the other interviewees were fascinating, entertaining, and endearing. Essentially the first half of the movie is spent laying groundwork; impressing upon us just how outrageous and over-the-top gay sex in the 70s was. It reached the point where I was saying to myself, “yeah I get the idea already.” Needless to say the film delivers on what it promises in that respect. As the film approached the advent of HIV/AIDS I’m glad it went beyond the title and discussed how people were affected by this sea change in gay culture. This was one of the most fascinating and touching parts of the film. I felt they could have ended on that historical note rather than making a quick concluding nod to “the future of gay sexuality” which seemed unnecessary.
“Sometimes I just get tired of trying to intellectualize how all my experiences in gay culture might possibly relate to exgays …”
But, more importantly, was it any good? I’ve seen advertising and even a few clips but it didn’t look very enticing.
“One for gay sex please…”Another night, home alone, Daniel?…Sorry, too good to pass up — given you once complained Ben-the-exgay was seeing more manly action than you-the-gay were 🙂
I haven’t seen this (only the previews) but it’s a good example of how “gay” often only means “gay male.” (yes, off topic, but it’s the first thing that came to mind when I was watching the previews.)
So, Daniel, what did you think of it?
I’ve read that the movie only discusses gay men in New York — not gay men in the South, Midwest, the Plains, the Rockies, Pacific Northwest, or other nations.
If that’s true, then I would not expect to learn much at all about gay men in the Seventies from this movie.
If that’s true, then I would not expect to learn much at all about gay men in the Seventies from this movie.
Unfortunately, I’m sure that many in the far right will find it very “informative” — especially when they gear up their opposition to HIV vaccine trials. That’s not hypothetical. Some have already voiced opposition to the HPV vaccine according to this week’s New Yorker.
You’re correct Mike, the movie is exclusively about the gay sex culture of New York. It doesn’t make it any less informative of a movie, just perhaps inappropriately named.
But Dan you didn’t answer the question!!! Is it any good?
Ah well, it’s too late now. Today’s the last day at the theater.