Last weekend I braved the heterosexual-gridlock on the Sunset Strip to see Transamerica. In keeping with Pat “take him out” Robertson’s logic God was clearly angered I saw such an evil movie and struck me ill with a cold the next day. Since I’m without internet at home till my sugar-daddy gets me a cable modem the germs and I packed up the laptop and headed to the lesbian coffee shop down the street tonight. But let’s get to the actual post.

Ex-Gay Situation:

A hypothetical gay man, we’ll call him Stephen, is unhappy being gay and pursues conversion. He eventually marries a woman, generally stay out of other peoples’ business (remember, this is a hypothetical Stephen) and live happily ever after.

End Result: One spouse is not physically attracted to the gender of their partner. (As far as gays are concerned. )

Typical Reaction From Gay People: You’re not truly sexually attracted to the gender of your spouse! That marriage is a fraud and disgrace!

Trans Situation:

One spouse in a long-married heterosexual couple comes out as transgender. The spouse gradually transitions and the couple remains together and loving. The new same-sex couple loves each-other very much and generally stays out of other peoples’ business and live happily ever after.

End Result: One spouse is not physically attracted to the gender of their partner.

Typical Reaction From Gay People: Now that’s true love! What a wonderful compassionate and committed person the non-transitioning spouse is.

Dare I say, do you ever hear criticism of the non-transitioning spouse for not being sexually attracted to their spouses’ new gender?

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