Last weekend’s Love Won Out has set off a rash (relax, it’s a good kind of rash) of infographics but also some people took it beyond the realm of civility and vandalized the Exodus billboard. Mike Tidmus has a pretty good roundup. My favorite however is from Justinsomnia.
Note: Due to a legal dispute, the parody above was removed from this web site from March 1 to March 24.
you may wish to revise your posting. I’m certain you agree that vandalism is not a “good kind” of anything. I understand what you meant but let’s not let the wacky Exodus people claim that XGW called vandalism “good”.
So glad you enjoyed my creative photoshopping. Thanks for posting it up on your blog. As I mentioned over at Mike Tidmus’ site, the more people that see this kind of thing, the better.
I wouldn’t change a thing as Tim Kincaid would. It’s nice to see and hear and read when people with a backbone state a position and then like Barney Frank, compromise that position.
Posted by: Eddie Keator at March 23, 2006 11:16 AM
I’m not positive but I think the original post was already edited so the context of Timothy’s comment is lost. I’m not sure how Barny Frank factors into this.