Ex-Gay Watch would like to congratulate the ex-gays of Maine on the results of yesterday’s election. Now, regardless of where a resident of Maine falls on the spectrum of sexual orientation and however they chose to express their gender, they may live their lives as they see fit, free from discrimination. It is truly a great day for the civil liberties, free expression and self-determination of ex-gay and gay Maine residents alike.
Mike Airhart, Editor
Daniel Gonzales, Contributing Author
I’m sorry Mike,While I appreciate that ex-gays (and everyone else) are equally covered, I wasn’t aware that ex-gays had been campaigning so hard to ensure the civil rights protections remained in place. But it’s gratifying to hear that the Maine ex-gays were working shoulder to the wheel alongside “us”. Great news for the future. They should be soooo congratulated!!!Oh, /sarcasm right back at ya!, naturally…(Poor old Robert Knight. Now he can never retire back home…)
Oh, and what a stunningly amazing result from Texas.Who’d have thunk most Texans are of a mind that gays deserve diddly-squat down there???(And that’s my sarcasm quota for the day. Perhaps not, but we’ll try.)Good to hear, minor note, that every single Dover PA School Board member who attempted to impose Intelligent(sic) Design on the science classes got turfed.Now, about Kansas….
Oh well I don’t actually know of any ex-gay organization doing a damn thing to have fought the referendum. Infact, LWO Boston had a booth in favor of the referendum set up. Still, ex-gays are people, not just obnoxious organizations and we can certainly still congratulate them on this victory.
What is the big deal regarding ex-gays in Maine? Ex-gays in main are presumably straight. Isn’t that the whole purpose of being ex-gay?
Raj, that gets me too. Throckmorton wines about discrimination against exgays but claims they are heterosexual. The thought that a heterosexual is a common target for discrimination is ludicrous. They claim gays should not be protected as a group by hate crimes laws or present at public forums to raise gay issues because being no one is their actions hence being gay isn’t an identity. Then they have the audacity to claim their supposed heterosexuals’ actions give them an exgay identity which justfies protection for a chosen behavior. The GLBT reasons for consideration are not valid, but the same reasons for consideration are valid for exgays – they want it both ways. They judge the morality of actions by who’s doing it, not the action itself.
If being gay is being a choice then being heterosexual is being a choice as well and by their logic on gays they shouldn’t be saying anyone is heterosexual either. That would be saying people are actions they choose and that is demeaning and encourages too much sex. The hypocrisy of the exgay proponents is simply unbelievable.