Gay libertarian blogger Jason Kuznicki presents a composite look at the exgay e-mail that he receives several times per year.
Kuznicki concisely captures the trickle-down effect of exgay political activists’ mistaken and unflattering assertions about same-sex-attracted people, about diverse individuals’ sexual and romantic attractions and behaviors, about promiscuity, about the nature of prejudice and hate, about love-based same-gender relationships.
In contrast to the prejudices collected from exgay e-mail messages, Kuznicki offers photographs of his own relationship and wedding as simple, tangible statements of truth amid exgay stereotypes.
Kuznicki welcomes comments.
DL Foster is just a nasty person. He’s terse and petulant and isn’t mature enough to have a discussion, even with people he mentions on his site by name.
He’s refused to speak to me or answer my emails, no matter how civil. And only after I lost patience with him is he calling me things that I am not.
And he wonders why I’m unimpressed by Christians like him or what he represents.
I’m done with him and will try not to mention him again.
Would I be wrong to consider some of this ex gay business alarmingly cultish?
The people involved follow so unconditionally and defend the process they’ve been through so vehemently.
It’s like they are having tantrums if they aren’t acknowledged by or impress anyone.
We exist! Change is possible! Escape homosexuality! Millions of people do it because we’re living proof!
If they were’nt politically active-one would seriously want to just go,
Regan, I see you’ve now been banned at DL’s site.I presume he means banned talking WITH you, but not ABOUT you.
Regan I just left a message at that guys website about how he can’t deal with the truth and that is why he banned you, probably he will ban me too.
I don’t care I stand by what I said the truth hurts and the wicked will do anything to silence the truth just like when the pharisees had stephen stoned.
Yeah, Foster never engaged in any exchanges with me personally.
I sent emails, left phone messages. All ignored.
Early on I wanted to have a real give and take discussion.
I especially wanted to talk to black people who espouse what Foster does.
He left a few bombs here at XGW about me, but he never tried to reach me directly.
Yes, and you’re right.
I’m banned, but talking about me is not.
I gave him every chance, but he was ALWAYS contentious. Long before I lost patience with his snub.
I did what Chad asked (read his book) and talked to him on the phone at length about his journey.
He worries me, but at least he really reached out.
Unlike a whole list of others. He was an exception, but so is his support of gay people too.
DL deleted your comments Regan (and probably mine too) and shut off comments to a particular post that was getting to him.
He isn’t interested in dialogue, he wants a soapbox.
I watched Alan Chambers do it with his blog, I’ve seen Randy Thomas delete many comments.
Whenever it gets to a line of questioning that corners them or makes them question any aspect of their gravy train, they cut if off.
Kind of sad.
Oh regan I got flamed by dlf, but I told him off, I called him a narcissist and to prove my assertion I looked it up for myself and if you read it it will definetely describe dlf, James Dobson, Pat Robertson, Jerry Fallwell, Concerned Women for America, the afa etc. I am surprised that they still don’t get it. Oh by the way if any of you wonder what makes a narcissist I will give you the link
If this isn’t enough info for you then google traits of a narcissist and there will be tons of links.