From an interview in the April edition of the American (Anti)Family Association “Journal.” (Hat tip: Freedom Of….)
Exgay activist Stephen Bennett says:
But overall, the media ignores our claims to have left the homosexual lifestyle. And this is all based upon the demands of the National Gay and Lesbian Journalist Association, which has provided a stylebook to everyone in the media, telling them what language to use when addressing the issue of homosexuality. And this influential organization tells the media not to give any credence to the claims of ex-homosexuals.
That claim appears to be false (and Bennett got the organization’s name wrong, to boot). Bennett cites no incidents where the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association has actually said anything about exgays. Furthermore, the stylebook supplement is available here as a PDF file. Its only reference to exgays is this glossary definition:
“‘ex-gay’ (adj.): The movement,
mostly rooted in conservative religions,
that aims to change the sexual
attraction of individuals from samesex
to opposite-sex.”
Bennett appears not to have checked his facts. And he neglects to disclose his own work assignments on behalf of… the American Family Association.
First off anyone wishing to bring this to the attention of the AFA Journal’s Associate Editor may email Rusty Benson
haha, this is the same article I bitched about when it was in the Agapepress. I just went after different things than you.
I’d seriously be interested in knowing. Just how gay was this Bennett character. Is there any evidence of him having been involved with another male?
Apparently there’s a bit of money to be made by self-described “ex-gays” But is there any evidence to suggest that these self-described “ex-gays” were gay ab initio?
I’d be a bit more graphic, but MikeA would kick me off here again.
I’ve been asking the same question for years, Raj.
Stephen Bennett claims over 100 sexual partners but nobody seems to know him in the gay community.
I am ex-gay. We do exist. It’s not about the money, at least not for me or anyone I personally know. It’s about caring about the lives of those I personally know who are still struggling with this. I don’t bother anyone who wants to stay the way they are. If anyone does any changing, it is God who changes them, because the person is will to let Him.
Hello Chelle.I don’t think anyone questions whether you exist. But, as for being exgay — I think it would have been honest for you to mention that you are in fact bisexual. You don’t have to change anything in order to be attracted to either women or men.
You’d think that they’d take the nineth comamndment more seriously.
(Or the eighth commandment if you go by the Catholic/Orthodox/Lutheran numbering scheme.)
One would think that the commandments given by God, himself, would rank higher than the laws as set up by Moses.
And what about the two commandments of Jesus.
It must be so embarrasing for some Christians that the founder of their religion taught pretty much the opposite of what they believe.