John Aravosis, ImpossibleMike, and Big Muddy IMC comment on the latest Alan Keyes/Larry Klayman political fundraising scam:
A national shareholder campaign to force major employers to bar gay-straight employee groups and to deny benefits to gay workers and their families.
(Hat tip: James B.)
Concerned Women for America is trying to campaign against the automaker Subaru for its gay-friendly ads. As a happy Subaru owner, I wrote them at their web page and said, “thanks for having courage to market to lgbt community, also my 1997 car got through 24 inches of Southern Indiana snow last week – satisfied customer”. The company sent back a nice form letter. They know perfectly well that CWA women drive giant American SUVs, not sports cars or 4-cylinder wagons/SUVs.
Yeah, CWA is also on the warpath against United Airlines, Avis Rent-a-Car, and Proctor & Gamble. They also were involved in an attempt to get Exxon-Mobil (IIRC) shareholders to remove DP protections at a shareholders’ meeting. It failed, as will 99.9% of these other efforts. It’s really sad how these organizations offer up a model of kristianity (Intentionally misspelling the counterfeit brand) that makes non-christians identify the religion as bigoted. These kristians are defined by negatives– what they are against, not the positives that the Christ came to promote by His example.
I read the Keyes e-mail on Aravosis’ Blog. It’s full of typical kristian lies. From Keyes’ “move in on Sunday, get benefits on Monday” lie, to the supposedly “free” cost of these partner benefits, and putting obviously untrue words in the mouths of the companies listed (“we don’t value marriage”). It just shows the overall lack of grasp of reason or truth in these hypocrits.
Keyes remember was the person who publicly castigated Hillary Clinton as a “carpetbagger” for running in NY and stated he would never do such a thing; then went on to do the same thing by running against Obama in OH. What a hypocrite.
I note that Klayman (Judicial Watch) is running for Senator in FL — my state. Like Hades I’m voting for HIM! I just hope he does as well as Keyes did when he ran for office in OH (and MD).
Klayman ran for the Senate in 2004, I don’t know if he’ll run again in 2006. I wonder how he feels about his old organ Judicial Watch getting into hot water for daring to blast the thug GOP kingpin Tom DeLay.
Obama beat Keyes in Illinois.