Ex-gays have their own meet-up section for support and companionship at ex-gay.meetup.com.
No need to visit right now — no one has joined.
Ex-gays have their own meet-up section for support and companionship at ex-gay.meetup.com.
No need to visit right now — no one has joined.
ex-gay meetup dot com? Somehow I am reminded of an episode from Will & Grace.
They don’t meatup–sorry, meetup–at ex-gay sessions?
Raj, how is your comment any less trollworthy than Marty’s comments?
At least Marty’s comments accurately reflect the antigay activist’s tendency to prejudge, accuse, and jump to conclusions. And unlike some activists, he does listen sometimes.
The sarcasm of your comment isn’t constructive — just embarrassing.
Sorry, I was trying to make a joke–as I thought should be apparent from the W&G reference. If you really want to be serious, please feel free to scroll the post. Or delete it, for all I care. Although, quite frankly, it strikes me as a bit odd that there would be a market for the web site that you cited: one would have thought that the various ex-gay “ministries” would serve the purpose.
Your complaint did lead me to investigate the meetup site a bit. One of the pages suggests that there is an “ex-gay” web-ring. Clicking through, it appears that there is one member of the web-ring, the meetup site.
What a Joke!!!
I went to the site to see if anyone joined. Well, some guy name Dan joined. His picture shows him shirtless and describes himself as ex-ex gay. There is also a link to a gay affirming Christian ministry “Evangelicals Concerned”.
Oh Well!!!
I’m a little disappointed to hear that.
I do think exgay individuals are entitled to communicate among themselves socially with a minimum of disruption. After all, gay folks understandably dislike antigay activists raiding their social events.
However, the courtesy of undisrupted social interaction should not extend, in my opinion, to public political groups, particularly when one group seeks to deny equal rights to others.
hahah omg, Dan posts here, I just realized that. lol. I live in Long Beach too!
I don’t see what is so wrong with Raj telling a harmless joke about ex-gays. It certainly is MUCH LESS damaging than someone who spends all their time spreading lies and disinformation against homosexuals. I don’t see the comparison at all. It’s a shame that we cannot even have one second of small humor without being bodyslammed.
RE: James
Agreed. Its interesting how far so-called “ex-gays” are willing to go, to stop rights from being granted to gays and lesbians. If they’re so secure, they wouldn’t need to call themselves ex-gay, they would call themselves heterosexuals, and get on with life; obviously the therapy is nothing more that a crock-of-crap.
A *CURE* wouldn’t require people to stand around in a circle, hugging, crying, and singing “lord loves me so, for I am an ex-gay for which I scream and crow!”.
Sorry, these people need to grow up and get a grip, they’re as queer as a $3 bill, the sooner they grow up and get used to the realities of life, the sooner they can get on without the need to hide behind a facade they made because their chosen dogma deicides to ex-communicate those who a different.
Looks like quite a few from Long Beach post here. Me too.
The guy in Dan’s picture looks like he’d be fun to take a tumble in the hay with.
(Slaps self)
you dork that’s me
Dan, as I said, the guy in Dan’s pic looks like he’d be fun to take a tumble in the hay with
My husband might object, but that’s another issue 2x;-)
The problem with your idea Mike is that it is difficult to tell when an exgay outfit is political and when it is not. From what I can see very few of them are clearly one or the other. So, I do not agree with you. Exgays are fair game regardless UNTIL and UNLESS they specifically opt out of the political game. Like, when they cease being part of the right wingnut group Exodus. Until then, fair game. If they don’t like the heat, they can leave the kitchen.
Really hot pic, Dan. I’m in Burbank, anybody else?
Oh, Dalea, are you proposing an orgie?
Note to the proprietors: I’m joking again. But the guy in dan’s pic is really hot.
I whole heartedly concur. Looks like Dan is a twink magnet, especially in his other photos. ;p
Whoops, guess this thread veered off course.
This is a good blog
If by “good” you mean “unintentionally humorous”.