Lynn at Noli Irritare Leones offers insightful analysis of the big debate over gender — whether and how it relates to the definition of marriage.
Cheers also go to Eve Tushnet for attempting to think through the marriage debate with some depth and balance. Ms. Tushnet wrote a National Catholic Register article last year about a flawed ex-gay ad campaign.
The archaic, bigoted so-called facts in your webpage are diametretcally opposed to the very essence of Christainity — tolerance and acceptance. Views witch single out a group of people as evil or threatening have been used for ages to justify such atrocities as the Crusades, The Inquisition, and yes, the Nazi agenda. This is just another example.
Live your lives the way you choose to do so, but do not condem others, such as homosexuals for your problems, or for power. You are losing a battle that was not able to be won since its conception. There are more worthy causes for your energy and finances.
Christopher Novotny