XGW commented two weeks ago on the case of Matthew Limon.
Last week, Focus on the Family reminded its CitizenLink readers that it wants the kid locked up for 17 years because he had sex with a male three years younger than him.
Limon had just turned 18; his partner was almost 15. Had Limon’s partner been female, the maximum sentence would have been 12 months.
While defending the prison sentence, Focus joins the Kansas attorney general in a sloppy effort to score political points against the ACLU, accusing the group of attacking morality by opposing the harsh sentence. Focus also joins conservative Virginia activist Mike Farris in alleging that a sentence reduction would pose “a threat to traditional marriage and other laws.”
Focus refers to Farris as president of Patrick Henry College. That may be a bit misleading. Farris is not a lifelong academic; he is a home-schooling advocate and a failed candidate for Virginia lieutenant governor — rejected by the electorate in 1993 as too conservative even for Virginians. (Google search.) The recently created college describes itself as a training ground that educates young fundamentalists in Washington politics and guides them to seek a gradual fundamentalist takeover of the United States government. The college’s board of trustees is a mix of investors and the spouses of key Beltway social conservatives.