Focus on the Family declared gay Canadian couples unwelcome in the United States on Monday.
Focus joined Concerned Women for America in demanding that foreign couples lie on U.S. immigration forms, stating that they are single when they are not. It also used the occasion, illogically, to rationalize a need to amend the U.S. Constitution.
Join us! Not hate or bigotry, just common sense.
Common sense?
Common sense is the set of prejudices that one acquires before the age of 18–Albert Einstein.
Checked this group out, seems to have a typical christian view of gays. Here is the full url:
some sample quotes:
Here’s another thought, if doing what you want leads to a slow painful death for participants, is it acceptable?
If so, what’s up with the AIDS marches demanding more funding for a cure for something people are free to do? If you’re free to kill yourself doing something you want to do then you should be free to accept the consequences of your actions……
I think that whole chasity belt (sp?) *never claimed to be smart*
should be brought back. that would end teen pregnancy and abortion
for teens. It would keep the Catholics off our little boys.
How by the way do you get a Nun Pregnant? Dress her up like an alter
Don’t bother to “love” everyone but damn at least try to respect
them. I am not a gay hater, black person hater, hispanic or what
ever else is out there. Just quit asking for special things and WORK
for what you want……
I agree with you – they are illegal acts. But this whole idea that we should
be “free” to
do what ever you want while it effects me, my tax dollars – how schools
function, how
the courts are run simply because you guys like to bang each other up the ass
live like hedonistic sissy boys spooning at night I find utterly disgusting –
and guess
what the MAJORITY of people aren’t gay – and are utterly sick of the gay agenda
Seriously if the gays want exterminate themselves with AIDS more power to them….
I’ve worked with and for Gays for years – a big drama – never saw any stability
in the
lifestyle and watched two gay men die horrific deaths from AIDS – “For a
female you
seem so against gays” – most women like gay men because they see them as a
girlfriend who likes to shop with them and play into the whole female ego thing
– I
too fell into that trap – thank God I woke up. “Women” who hang with Queens see
limp wristed chicks with dicks that they can have deep conversations about lip
with. Give me a break. I don’t – sorry. I see them as big Queens with a sick
and lifestyle….
Such good Christians…
Let’s pray for them.
I am glad I didn’t go there. I originally misread it, I thought it was
More wonderful comments from this site, love the ‘homo hershy highway’:
Heard about the two Irish queers?
John Fitzpatrick and Patrick Fitzjohn ?
There’s a lot of us members just lurking out here, watching you battle
the butt pirates. I’m Christian, though not considered a “bible
thumper”, and yes, I do think the trip down the homo hershey highway
is the highway to hell. Come on Russ and the rest of you flaming
faggots, take it like a man for once. You might learn to like the
natural design.
Homosexuality is normal for homosexuals in the same way crime is normal to criminals. It really doesn’t matter what is right or wrong, it’s all a matter of individual desires.
It is staggering the degree of hate and venom some of
these homos produce, against people who are trying to
help them!
I’m afraid their deep-seated hatred and bigotry often
prevents them from seeing the truth.
Many of them appear to be without God and without
hope, but we can always pray for a miracle.
And I am totally opposed to any violence against homos
or any other dysfunctional minority.
More! Since these are the only sorts of Christians many gay people ever run into, it might be worth checking out this site. Here is another love filled gem:
‘Either meaning, Dr. Greek, is that homos won’t get to heaven. They
will also die a miserable, lonely death. That is the natural order of
This is truly a journey into the lower depths.
I posted a version of a Towards a Quaker View of Sex from London Yearly Meeting Relgious Society of Friends. Here is the response from their leading theologian”
Sorry, I’m not Catholic nor do I subscribe to the Church of England.
I pointed out that the Quakers aren’t either, here is the theologian’s response:
Satan “lurks” behind all who would agree that God’s creation was flawed, sodomy is an acceptable form of interaction between men, recruiting members of the gay community into the clergy is acceptable and believing that Satan influences people is a ludicrous.
Oh, that’s a helpful response. Not.
I interviewed Spitzer just after his study was released. I really think he meant well in pursuing this endeavor, but it is obvious his methodology was flawed. And it’s just tragic that he is allowing himself to be exploited by the ex-gay movement shills so terribly.