Focus on the Family is again flouting national security — and the private-property rights of Disney — as it protests an FAA ban on planes carrying ex-gay banner ads over Walt Disney World during Gay Days on Oct. 4.
Focus says Disney is getting special treatment. But would Focus on the Family support the rights of gay groups to fly over Focus on the Family’s campus in Colorado Springs? And does Focus feel that flyovers are cost-effective or constructive? Does Focus ever ask, “Is this what Jesus would do?”
“What Would Jesus Do?” is a very appropriate question, but I think there is a deeper issue at work here that goes beyond the attempt to fly a banner over a theme park for a day or two.
The problem is with American Christianity itself, which over the last half-century or so, has dumbed down faith to a series of cheap slogans and simple formulas. Bold proclamations of faith used to be marked by martyrs sacrificing their lives if necessary to bring a message to a hostile nation or tribe. Now, “a bold witness” means a guy wearing a ridiculously multicolored afro who holds up a “John 3:16” sign in the end zone stands of a Monday Night Football game.
The messy business of a journey of faith, while punctuated with moments of clarity and transcendence, can often be filled with struggle, failure, difficult questions and no simple answers. Yet, we’re sold on the fact that if we buy tickets to attend the Super Spiritual Weekend Conference, we’ll learn all the answers that will solve those nasty interpersonal problems, marital problems or even supposed sexual problems. And it helps if we buy the tapes and books, of course.
Hogwash. I daresay that much of what passes for Christianity in America is not real Christianity at all. It’s right-wing literalism wrapped up in a slick package using the values learned from Madison Ave. It’s “bait and switch.” Promise ultimate happiness, fulfillment and a clear direction in life, but by the time people figure out that their faith journey with God is far more complicated, mysterious and messy then they were led to believe, you’ve got them under your control, because now they’re trained to continually return to you for the answers they thought they were getting in the first place. It couldn’t possibly be a false understanding of one’s faith that isn’t working. Oh, no. It’s that evil outside force trying to destroy us. This authority-driven groupthink is very persuasive. Ex-gay groups like Exodus appear to me to be making the same false claims. There is a basic dishonesty about the real world that is propogated there, and it’s no wonder that organizations like Exodus have little serious long-term impact on the culture at large.
I say all that to say this. The amount of time, effort and ill will generated by the attempt to fly a simplistic slogan over a theme park–a place where people are trying to get away from the real world to begin with–is so unbelievably misguided, it is an insult to real followers of Jesus everywhere, especially those in other countries whose expression of faith can often mean a death sentence.
If American Christians were actively engaged in the real world like Jesus was–who criticized the fals piety of religious leaders, broke ceremonial laws, raised the profile of women, spoke out on behalf of the oppressed, called on the rich to pay their workers fair wages and be more generous to the poor, who challenged everyone to examine their hearts for selfish motives, and who never had a single negative word to say about homosexuals–we wouldn’t be dealing with this level of stupid, misguided spirituality.
I had been led to believe that the FAA ban was regarding all air traffic over Disney World, not just a ban “on planes carrying ex-gay banner ads over Walt Disney World during Gay Days on Oct. 4.” The ban was instituted, if memory serves, to reduce possibility of terrorist attacks on Disney world from the air.
If I am correct, they don’t have much to complain about. That won’t stop them from bitching and moaning, though. From what I have noticed, conservative christians always love getting special rights. Like a special right to fly planes over Disney World.
Raj, that’s my recollection also. Since my family was recently at Disneyland, this conservative Christian appreciated the government’s concern for my safety.
did you know sponge bob is gay? one more question. who am i suppossed to worship, jesus christ or james dobson? i’m so confused…. i think dobson needs to examine himself a little more, any one thats that frightened of gay people has to be gay…..