Lee Bockhorn, associate editor at The Weekly Standard, summarizes the predicament of the anti-gay-marriage movement:

In the upcoming battle, defenders of marriage must find a public
voice–someone (probably, though not necessarily, a politician) who isn’t
afraid to suffer the disdain of the cognoscenti or be smeared as a
“homophobe”; someone both able and willing to set forth the reasoned
arguments and crucial distinctions that a successful defense of marriage
will require; someone with the patience and fortitude to argue tirelessly
that we can respect the dignity of homosexuals while still maintaining the
institution of marriage as the union of one man and one woman. And last but
not least, we need someone resolutely unwilling to accept gay marriage as

Finding someone who respects the dignity of homosexuals, while meeting all the other criteria, may be exceedingly difficult.

Stanley Kurtz demonstrates this in his response, which assumes gay people are incapable of monogamy and unable to raise children. Kurtz also envisions a strangely configured slippery slope, in which his prejudices elevate him to high ground.

This conservative Christian Science Monitor opinion is a bit more balanced — and it is tolerant of gay marriage.

Addendum: In a May 2004 article in Slate, Prof. M.V. Lee Badgett thoroughly refutes Morrison’s hero of the moment, Stanley Kurtz, who had claimed that gay marriage is somehow to blame for a (non-existent) collapse of the traditional family in Scandinavia. In fact, heterosexual marriage is doing quite well in Scandinavia, Badgett says, and parenthood within marriage is still the norm.

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