“God’s Grace and the Homosexual Next Door” is a new book written by several senior leaders at Exodus International. On page 115:


Stand up for gay people. The church and conservative Christianity hasn’t been a safe, welcoming place for homosexuals. Oftentimes pastors and youth leaders make insensitive remarks about homosexuality or gay people. These remarks can be devastating. When you’re a witness to unkind words, or a judgmental attitude, or hate, stand up for gay people. Boldly and graciously confront injustice and hatred. Jesus always stood up for the sinner, and we should as well.

[This particular passage is from a chapter by Mike Goeke.]

Last weekend the Family Research Council held an event called “Liberty Sunday” at Tremont Temple Baptist Church in Boston where a number of political leaders of the religious-right spoke. Included in the lineup was Exodus President Alan Chambers and Bishop Wellington Boone. According to the FRC’s own official transcript Boone had this to say:


We know what a family is. My wife said to me this morning, she said, “Well, okay then. It’s sodomites because they’re not gays; it’s a misnomer. They’re sodomites.”

If God calls homosexuality an abomination, if he calls it vile affections, if he calls it wickedness, I can’t call it inappropriate behavior. (Applause.) So if this is just a small matter, I’ll tell you what — let two women go on an island and a whole bunch of – all women, if you’re sodomites, go on an island, stay by yourself, all women, put all the men on another island – this is my wife talking to me this morning – let them stay. I’ll tell you what: “We’ll come back and see you about 100 years.”

(link to audio on Boone’s own site)

The speaker after Boone was Bishop Gilbert Thompson followed immediately by Alan Chambers. To quote Exodus’ book:

Did Mr. Chambers hear Mr. Boone’s “insensitive remarks about homosexuality or gay people?”

Was Mr. Chambers “witness to unkind words, or [Boone’s] judgmental attitude, or hate?”

As Exodus’ book commands, did Mr. Chambers “stand up for gay people” and “boldly and graciously confront injustice and hatred?”

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