-Attorneys Ted Olson and David Boies join the lawsuit against Virginia’s marriage equality ban. -The United Nations hosts a forum on LGBT rights. -New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie files an appeal to stop the state’s court-ordered implementation of marriage equality….
XGW Digest: September 28, 2013
-A transgender student is named Homecoming Queen at a California high school. -A professor at a Christian college is forced to resign after coming out as transgender. -The government of Bangladesh turns down a UN recommendation to decriminalize homosexuality. -The…
XGW Digest: September 21, 2013
-Russia modifies its Olympic Truce document to be slightly more inclusive. -Linden becomes the latest Michigan town to pass an anti-discrimination ordinance. -Transgender women are murdered in Los Angeles and Baton Rouge. -Actor Billy Boyd speaks out for marriage equality…
XGW Digest: September 14, 2013
-The New Mexico Supreme Court schedules a hearing to consider marriage equality arguments. -A South Korean couple holds the country’s first public same-sex wedding. -The Colville Tribal Council votes to recognize marriage equality. -The Archbishop of Mumbai reaches out to…
XGW Digest: September 7, 2013
-Sergeant Darren Manzella, who fought for the repeal of DADT, dies in a car accident. -Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg officiates at a same-sex wedding. -A Federal judge rules that same-sex couples are eligible for the same veterans’ benefits…
XGW Digest: August 31, 2013
-A conservative Catholic writer changes his mind about marriage equality. -Anti-gay activists launch a recall campaign against Daniel Hernandez Jr. -Ricky Martin admits that he bullied other gay people before coming out of the closet. -BBC News examines what it’s…
XGW Digest: August 24, 2013
-NFL Hall of Famer Steve Young agrees to keynote an LGBT Mormon conference. -A gay Marine veteran is booed at a San Antonio City Council meeting. -The New Mexico Supreme Court declines to hear two marriage equality cases. -Same-sex weddings…
XGW Digest: August 17, 2013
-Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd promises marriage equality if reelected. -An Italian 14-year-old boy commits suicide because of anti-gay bullying. -John Berry, US ambassador to Australia, marries his partner. -California enacts stronger protections for transgender students. -Jim Burroway examines the…
XGW Digest: August 10, 2013
-Actress Raven Symone comes out of the closet. -The US State Department begins issuing visas for married gay couples. -An Albuquerque shuttle bus driver orders a gay couple to move to the back of the bus. -The National Gay and…
XGW Digest: August 3, 2013
-A Louisiana sheriff starts enforcing the state’s invalidated anti-sodomy law. -An Australian parliamentary committee rules that states can set their own marriage laws. -The mayor of Zagreb, Croatia agrees to let the city host an LGBT conference. -The state of…