-Cyprus’ first pride parade draws thousands of attendees. -Medicare will now cover gender transition-related surgeries. -A new report finds that anti-LGBT crimes grew more violent in 2013. -The Bozeman, MT city council passes a non-discrimination ordinance. -Anti-gay Ugandan Sam Kutesa…
XGW Digest: May 31, 2014
–New lawsuits reduce the number of states with unchallenged marriage bans to one. -Costa Rica extends social security benefits to same-sex couples. -Boy Scouts president Robert Gates says he would allow gay scoutmasters, but will not challenge the current ban….
XGW Digest: May 24, 2014
-The Arkansas Supreme Court suspends the decision striking down the state’s marriage ban. -Massachusetts celebrates ten years of marriage equality. -President Obama nominates a gay man as ambassador to Vietnamn. -A Catholic school bans a female student’s yearbook picture after…
XGW Digest: May 17, 2014
-Arkansas Judge Christopher Piazza strikes down the state’s marriage ban. -Michael Sam becomes the first openly gay NFL player. -Austrian drag queen Conchita Wurst wins the Eurovision song contest. -Heck Bender shows parents how to talk to their children about…
XGW Digest: May 10, 2014
-Arkansas Attorney General Dustin McDaniel declares his support for marriage equality. -Bishop Gene Robinson announces he is divorcing his husband. -A Republican candidate in North Carolina is outed as a former drag queen. -LGBT allies boycott the Brunei-owned Dorchester Collection…
XGW Digest: May 3, 2014
-A Texas judge rules that the state’s marriage ban is unconstitutional during a gay divorce case. -The Alaska State Supreme Court rules that state property tax exemptions must be extended to gay couples. -A Virginia school committee votes against censoring…
Press release: Queer Performance Activist and Ex-Gay Survivor Peterson Toscano announces new direction to promote Queer Climate Change Action Through his performance work, media appearances, activism, and Biblical scholarship, Peterson Toscano has worked to expose the harm that comes from…
XGW Digest: April 26, 2014
-A South Carolina police chief is fired for being gay. -Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe announces that he will expel pro-gay diplomats. -The city council of Latina, Italy votes to recognize a gay couple’s marriage. -WWE joins the NOH8 campaign. -The…
XGW Digest: April 19, 2014
-The Nevada Republican Party removes opposition to marriage equality and abortion from its platform. -Judge Timothy Black orders the State of Ohio to recognize out-of-state same-sex marriages. -Singer Debby Boone becomes an ally. -The Parliament of Malta passes a civil…
XGW Digest: April 12, 2014
-A Russian district court rules that two previously banned LGBT events can take place. -The Mormon church reiterates its stance against marriage equality. -The US Supreme Court declines to hear an appeal by Elane Photography. -The Church of Norway votes…