The National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) has announced that it is going to begin a reprint and synopsis series. Included in the Reprint/Synopsis Series:
– Reprints from the NARTH Conference Reports
– Archived articles from the NARTH site
– Articles from previous issues of the NARTH Bulletin
– Synopses of older articles from other published resources
– And additional published resources as deemed necessary.
If NARTH, in its default disclaimer, indicates…
Opinions expressed on [the NARTH website] are the views and sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of NARTH…
Then can we assume the articles published in this reprint and synopsis series are being posted because NARTH wants to expound on, and/or elucidate its position statements?
Apparently, we still won’t be able to tell if the articles are the official opinions of NARTH because the articles in this new series aren’t marked as being or as not being the official opinions of NARTH. (Examples of recently republished material with no OFFICIAL or NOT OFFICIAL markings are found here and here.) Maybe it’s just me, but it seems the whole point of NARTH publishing a reprint and synopsis series would be it clarifying its official viewpoints.
I’m at a real loss trying to understand why NARTH — an organization with a track record and position statements — maintains an official website full of viewpoints that no one is apparently supposed to rely on as NARTH viewpoints.
If you’ve seen those Stargate episodes that involve alternate universes, it makes sense. Quantum theory tells us there are an infinite number of universes containing every single possibility of existence. Therefore, while the NARTH reprints do not represent the official positions of the NARTH of this reality, for each article reprinted there is somewhere in the multiverse a NARTH whose official position the article is.
It is possible this explains the Schoenewolf slavery article as well. If the NARTH website version of Stargate’s quantum mirror was damaged, it’s possible that the Schoenewolf article was routed to the wrong reality, and had been meant for an alternate universe where Africa was one big country consisting of savage jungles.
This also opens up the theoretical possibility of a universe where Gerald Schoenewolf is a slave taken from America to Africa, who counts himself lucky for the experience. There could be a universe where Joseph Nicolosi has been arrested on charges of intentionally dropping a baby boy on his head, or a universe where kids raised by gay couples who are fine at 16 suddenly become dangerously psychotic at 18. It boggles the mind.
Well, I noticed that there doesn’t seem to be much going on over at the NARTH blog. No new blog entries in DAYS. ZZZZZZZZZZ. Someone’s asleep.
PITY. Especially since they welcome open discusiion and differing opinions…
I don’t expect there will be much action on their “Reprint and Synopsis Series”. Even if they threw out a topic, who would they “dicuss” with — themselves?
hold up. why put it on your site if you don’t want to take responsibility for what is written?
[I have deleted this comment because it was off-topic — rambling about gods, telepathy, new-age theories and other immaterial issues. –MA, 10/16/2006]