The following postcard is based on this parody of this exgay billboard, which prompted this threat against Ex-Gay Watch by the fundamentalist Liberty Counsel.
People struggling with sexual attraction and identity have many options. Ex-Gay Watch supports the right to make such choices with informed consent and without fear of discrimination or harassment. Can Exodus or PFOX say the same?
Well, I agree it’s a darn site better than (imo). There’s a huge amount of diversity in the our community that doesn’t even begin to see or represent.
I’m all for someone deciding that they’d rather try heterosexuality.
It’s the heavy recruitment drive to be heterosexual that bothers me.
I have no problem at all with folks that say they are no longer gay and are living as heterosexuals.
It’s forcing their cynical values with government support on those still gay, that bothers me.
It’s not that they exist and live as straight people that bothers me.
It’s saying that homosexuals CAN’T and must not exist or their lives are and will be miserable that bothers me.
Being abused, or exhausted or living difficult lives that might have driven them to change isn’t surprising or unusual.
That doesn’t bother me.
What bothers me is the denial that equal such difficulties in heterosexual life isn’t convenienced by blaming sexual orientation for those problems.
So before ex gays get all het up about us or me being an ex gay phobe-they should look at the reality of their behavior.
It’s not that they’ve changed that’s the problem.
The problem is why and for whom, everyone has to be forced to.
Great parody! In solidarity we support your parody!!