While I congratulate Swedish pastor Ake Green on his acquittal by his country’s supreme court, I reject the Alliance Defense Fund’s assertion that calling homosexuality a “cancerous tumor on all of society” represents “the biblical view of homosexual behavior.”
Freedom of speech aside, ADF’s redefinition of Christianity as a religion of venomous hate speech is “radical” — and repulsive. The religious right reaps what it sows: Such utterances, utterly devoid of grace or good will, constitute a disease that infects and debilitates these Christians’ message — and the message of exgay activists who affirm and parrot ADF’s unholy works.
For all that politically conservative evangelicals moan about rising persecution against Christians, they’re remarkably blind to the fact that by demonizing an entire class of people they are treating others exactly the same way they think they’re being treated (an inverse Golden Rule?).
And in the process, they give all Christians a bad name and set the stage for an eventual backlash that may confirm all of their darkest fears.
You know, I couldn’t understand why someone in Ar nDraiocht Fein would have anything to do with biblical teaching or ex-gay movements until I read the article. (I apologize for the contentless comment, but maybe this will brighten someone’s day.)
If you would like to read a short comment to the Court’s decision by a Swedish lawyer, please, check my blog post here.