A search of Google News finds only one article about Ex-Gay Lobby Days.
The Harvard Crimson reports about Larry Houston, an ex-gay chef who went to D.C. with unnamed ex-gay activists from Massachusetts.
“We’re not anti-gay, we’re pro-choice,” Houston said. “Whenever someone has questions [about sexual identity], we’re asking, ‘May we be there, too?'”
The article does not ask independent sources about antigay public-policy positions adopted by PFOX.
Houston says he feels discriminated against at Harvard because of others’ “negative sentiments toward his lifestyle,” and because Harvard investigated complaints that he was proselytizing students. (Houston says Harvard took no action against him.)
“I don’t see myself as a victim at Harvard, but I’m going to play that game for the political benefit,” he said. “Other ex-gays are facing discrimination and don’t have a hand to play with.”
The newspaper story does not report the number of activists who attended Lobby Days. The participants said they met with aides to 40 senators and representatives, but they do not indicate whether these were separate meetings or an assembly of aides called together by PFOX.