In a major victory for gay rights, the New York Sate Senate voted 33 to 29 to approve same-sex marriage in the state, becoming the sixth state to do so. The debate lasted for days and followed a previous attempt in 2009 which fell through at the last moment. Governor Cuomo, who had promised to pass this legislation during his election campaign, signed the bill before midnight. Same-sex marriages can begin in 30 days.
The deciding vote was cast by Republican Stephen Saland who had voted no last time. He credits this change to a “change of heart” and a desire “to do the right thing.” Bravo, Mr. Saland. Anti-gay forces will most certainly be brought to bare in order to defeat his re-election.
It was certainly a wonderful surprise to wake up to this news rather than the gut punch of Prop 8. And we understand that New York has no residency requirement, so they should expect a great boost in tourism dollars in the months and years to come as gay couples travel to the Empire State to tie the knot and experience the wonders of that great city.
We at XGW would like to send congratulations and our appreciation to those who worked tirelessly against some truly vile opposition to make this happen. Well done!
Read more at the Voice of America.
America will soon start reaping the destruction that comes from allowing gay marriage. NOM need look only to the north, where we’ve had same-sex marriage for years. Now it’s legal for anyone to marry a donkey, a child or… Oh, hang on…
Kieth Olbermann, a truly sweet humanitarian.
Though the biggest voices in Christianity enshrine discrimination as one of it’s most cherished virtues, I think those days are numbered. Our children are truly our most cherished asset, and pride through accurate innocent vision seems to be their nature, blowing the ranking officials out of their cushy seats.
Lov’n the day after. What a glow. Feels like Christmas.