-The Atlanta, GA police department creates an LGBT advisory board.

-Montana’s Tea Party organization fires its president for posting anti-gay comments on Facebook.

-Serbia’s LGBT community plans its first pride parade since 2001.

-Religious right activists in Iowa twist Sandra Day O’Connor’s words to promote their campaign against the judges who brought same-sex marriage to the state.

-New York Gov. David Paterson signs a comprehensive anti-bullying bill.

-Colorado Governor Bill Ritter appoints a gay latina to the state’s supreme court.

-The US Air Force Academy’s alumni association cancels an event to honor LGBT servicemembers.

-The California Supreme Court rejects a request by the Pacific Justice Institute to force the state attorney general to appeal the ruling that struck down Prop 8.

-A US District Court judge rules that Don’t Ask Don’t Tell is unconstitutional.

-Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley announces that he would sign a marriage equality bill.

-Supporters of Olahoma State Rep. Sally Kern call her transgender opponent “a confused it.”

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