The Vermont legislature voted this morning to override Governor Jim Douglas’ veto of its same-sex marriage bill. Although the House’s initial passage of the bill had fallen short of a two-thirds majority, several legislators changed sides to pass the override by a vote of 100-49; the Senate’s override passed by a vote of 23-5.
Vermont now becomes the fourth US state (not counting California) to legalize gay marriage, and the first to do so through the legislative process. As such, this victory is especially noteworthy as the religious right cannot accuse “activist judges” of overriding the “will of the people” to bring marriage equality to Vermont.
As such, this victory is especially noteworthy as the religious right cannot accuse “activist judges” of overriding the “will of the people” to bring marriage equality to Vermont.
Actually, just read some of the comments aorund the country. “This should have been submitted to the voters.”
Legislative terrorism. Legislative activism. Legislative tyrrany.
All we really need is a fascist state. then the rightwingers won’t have to worry about anything except staying on the “approved” list.
This is wonderful news.
I’ve no doubt that this will continue to spread, and that California will, in time, repeal Prop 8.
ben in oakland,
I was thinking the exact same thing. Now it’s ‘activist lawmakers’ ruining the moral fabric of this country. I can’t wait to hear what ‘Porno-Pete’ has to say on Vermont.
Hurray! And it’s about time! Kudos to the Vermont legislature for upholding the US constitution and the will of the people, rather than the Bible, Koran, Vedas or any other scriptures- it’s not about the Bible or indeed any religion at all, it’s about upholding the Constitition of the USA, and extending the same rights to every citizen not just those the governor or the “religious” “right” ( they are neither) – when legislatorstake their oath of office they swear to uphold the Constitution of the USA, NOT any other book, be it fiction or non-fiction.
I like Ben of Oakland’s comment ( Hey Ben where you been? ;>)) about fascism; it’s rearing it’s ugly head in Italy and of course here in the USA, and elsewhere- stay vigilant to keep our liberties intact!
Hey Bill,
I ditto your “Hurray!” and your analogy. I think I see now why we are not getting a fast ruling from Cal Sup Court. They may be in “view” mode at the nations pulse on the subject. They just got one serious eyeful in the last week now didn’t they.
I really wonder if any of the Justices’ are thinking, ‘why is the east coast winning out in speed over us on the west coast!?’ As a west coaster, we are definitely doing the herds of turtles 2-step.
I hope their gazing provides the equal marriage rights gay people deserve everywhere, and as fast as possible.