International Healing Foundation (IHF), the non-profit organization founded and run by ex-gay guru Richard Cohen, has been posted (scroll down) on the Freedom of Mind Center’s website under the heading of “Moon Cultural and Social Fronts.” The site further elaborates about the list in general:
This list is the latest revision of the front group list originally created in June 1981 by the Ex-Moon Organization of business names of companies owned, operated, and/or controlled by the Moon organization or Moon followers. This list is for information purposes only so the public can make an informed decision as to whether they want to do business with these companies.
Steve Alan Hassan, the man responsible for the Freedom of Mind Center, claims he is “a former member of the Moon cult” and has written books on the subject, including Combating Cult Mind Control: The #1 Best-selling Guide to Protection, Rescue, and Recovery from Destructive Cults (1988) and Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves (2000).
We believe that only you have the right to control your mind. With knowledge about how destructive cults work, awareness of the misuse of hypnosis and other mind control techniques (commonly called “brainwashing”), and effective reality-testing strategies, you will be able to determine what is best for your life.
In response to our inquiry, Richard Cohen stated:
There is absolutely no truth to this slander. The International Healing Foundation is an educational and therapeutic organization with no religious affiliations. It is a joke for anyone to say to the contrary, and all about them, and nothing to do with the truth.
According to some extensive information gathered by Dr. Warren Throckmorton, to which Hassan links, questions appear to remain unanswered surrounding the nature of Richard Cohen’s work, the IHF and Moon’s organization.
We suggest the reader peruse the Freedom of Mind Center website for other examples of their work and come to your own conclusions. They seem professional, without a particular theological bent of any kind, and have been endorsed by Philip G. Zimbardo, Ph.D., president of the American Psychological Association, 2002.
Oh yea, that’s a real reputable site…when they admit: “The fact that links for other organizations exist on this page does not mean that we… can verify that all of their information is true.” What propaganda! I guess that cult logger, should add The Metropolitan Community Churches (MCC) there too? They meet his qualification of a “cult”, that is, the use of “mind control” and “deception” such as their isolated views that homosexuality is “normal” and “a gift from God”, which is contrary to the major religious world views on homosexuality.
Just to provide context, here is the entire text you quoted:
I can’t personally vouch for the site (and didn’t) but I’ve made some inquiries and all feedback has been good. If I understand correctly, their listing of IHF has more to do with Cohen allegedly not being forthright about his continuing connections with Rev Moon and his organizations, and how that might influence his “coaching.”
Do you have any comments about the substance of the evidence? It seems quite substantial. That’s why I suggested readers review it for themselves.
Jim Phelan jumped all over this issue when it was on Throckmorton’s site. Also, I could have sworn that recently, Jim Phelan listed some sort of coaching certificate from International Healing Foundation on his “about me” portion of his website. But I just checked now and it isn’t there. I don’t know how to check for cached versions of websites. In any case, Cohen, International Healing Foundation and Moon appear to be a sore spot for Mr. Phelan.
I’m hoping JONAH takes note of this. Whether it’s dealing with Nazi-ideals NARTH or alleged Moonie cult member Cohen/IHF, they’re really losing it when it comes to “credible” homo no-mo’ “therapy” sources.
John, are you talking about his Bravenet freebie site? I see a “Bio” section there but nothing about IHF, though I doubt he would hide it the way he has been defending Cohen. Plus, his writing is all over JONAH and they are quite cozy with Cohen as well.
Seriously Jim, a free subdomain website for your counseling practice? Between that and the mail order degree, I shouldn’t think you would want to be calling such attention to yourself
David, John is confused, like many of your readers. He saw me listed as having a coaching certificate from International Healing Foundation actually on the XGW site where I was recently listed as “beating” someone, not on my “freebie” site, because it was never there. I see you continue to attack me for being economically minded. I am a psychotherapist with a terminal degree (MSW) from a fully accredited, recognized, residence college. The so called, “mail order degree” past that, was for continuing educational purposes only, so stop the petty remarks. Millions of people use distance learning for educational purposes and there’s no proof it is a bad thing. The bottom line is you (and company) thrive on depraving the character of anyone who is contra to your thoughts and opinions.
I guess that I am still confused. Did you or did you not recieve a coaching certificae from International Healing Foundation?
On looking back, I do see it in the previous XGW post, but I thought that it was listed on your vox site.
Meanwhile, back to the facts:
So while perhaps uncertain of where he saw it, John was correct.
Thanks David. I knew that I didn’t just imagine it. I have also seen that gaytostraight webpage before.
Jim Phelan,
The fact is that Warren T. has provided quite a bit of documentation with substantial references which contradicts what Cohen and Wiemann have stated. And then there are Cohen’s children whose names are scattered all over the moon sites as well. It isn’t like the Freedom of the Mind list just discovered Cohen because he and IHF were on the list back in the 1990s and early 2000. It is well known that the Moon organization does not promote people who are not members or invite them to be counselors and workshop directors, etc.. Quack, Quack Richard Cohen mixes moon followers and members with his patients in group therapy without their (patients) knowledge or consent. There are far too many coincidences of moon involvement for this not to be true. Cohen is always playing the poor me role, and you know, you seem to be taking after him as well. For a man who seems to be well educated, I think it is appalling you naivete regarding Cohen. By the way, When you state that: “I am a psychotherapist with a terminal degree (MSW) from a fully accredited, recognized, residence college.” I have never heard anyone use that word before their degree. What does “terminal” mean in this context? Dead end? Who really cares whether or not Cohen is or isn’t, but, saying one thing when you know it isn’t true is lying and it seems quite obvious that Cohen and Wieman are hiding something.
I’m curious, how are Cohen’s children involved with Moon organizations?
Mark, I think Cohen already has explained the moon issue. It seems people just want to sensationalize things.
As for your other concern, “terminal degree” is a common term used in the academia, denoting specifically one’s ability to use their degree to practice. It signifies that the degree is the end stage to being able to practice in that field. It means no other degrees are necessary to practice in the field.
Jim –
Yes, Cohen always has his “explanation” which is fraught with “victimistis” and conflicts with a substantial documented evidence, with which he seems to have a problem. It seems to me and many others that the more he “explains” himself the deeper he digs himself into the moon pit.
Thank you for your explanation of “terminal”; really have never seen it used this way, but we learn something every day.
Warren Throckmorton has alot about this on his blog. From the various listings on the moon sites, Cohen’s son Jarish and daughter Jessica appear to be members of the Blessed Family (moom talk for moon members and followers). Below are some references under Unification Church and International Healing Foundation. Most, if not all of these references have been altered or removed since this date, so there seems to be an effort to obscure the truth.
Comment by Joseph P
October 9, 2007 @ 8:15 am
Here is another interesting little link for anyone who want to dig a little deeper…
52543 Comment by Jack
October 9, 2007 @ 11:48 am
Joseph P – thanks for the link. Now here is another one of those coincidences I was referring to. Jarish Cohen, son of Richard of International Healing Foundation seems to be involved with the Unification Church or whatever name it is called now, also as recently as 2005. The announcement states THE Words of the Cohen Family, A Healing Seminar for Second Generation a forwarded message from Rev. Phillip Schanker, Vice President for Education, Unification Church or whatever it is called now. This appears to be an announcement (in Moonie langauge) for one of Cohen’s seminars given at a hotel near the Baltimore Washington Airport. Now, isn’t that something, the Moon organization promoting Richard Cohen’s programs, including his son and they aren’t members? So we have a son, fronting for his father? So, when did using ones family, pictures, bios, etc., to promote one’s coaching (or is it counseling) practice? And there is another reference for 2004 to Jessica Cohen, Richard Cohen’s daughter involved with the Blessed family department of the Moon organization. And I’m sure if more research were done there would be more and more references to Moon and Richard Cohen and family. There is another reference from a Moon data base that Hilde Wiemann’s name appeared in an 1992 ad for the International Healing Foundation in Unification News (the Unification Church newspaper at the time). She is listed as an assistant. Here is the Link about Cohen’s son Jarish Cohen (names him as “a Blessed member”) and refers to his father (Richard Cohen) as a ….”licensed counselor” (licensed by whom?).
From: Rev. Phillip Schanker
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2005 9:40 PM
Subject: A Healing Seminar for Second Generation
Dear Vice-regional Directors and State Leaders,
The program described below is designed for Second Generation teens and above, and their parents, for the purpose of resolving difficult parent-child relationships, healing emotional wounds, and achieving intimacy. It is not an official program of the Family Federation, and is not being sponsored by HQ. It is being organized by a Blessed member of our Second Generation now studying at UPenn, and will be led by his father, who is a nationally known author, licensed counselor and someone who worked through many painful personal issues to achieve a loving and strong Blessed Family. I had a deeply meaningful experience in a similar healing seminar some months ago, and have occasionally referred those dealing with the wounds of childhood sexual abuse or struggles with same-sex attraction. A number of Second Generation youth have attended with their parent(s). It may be very helpful for any young person experiencing deep pain, profound anger, or struggling with intense emotional issues.
Those interested should read the description carefully and contact the organizer. This program is experiential, and asks for sincere personal involvement. It is not lectures and presentations, but group experiences and personal interaction. All of the necessary information is included below. If you forward this information to any person or family in your region, please use only the information below, with the son’s name as a reference and point of contact with love and prayer,
Rev. Phillip Schanker VP for Education
Summer Healing Seminar
Find a Safe and Supportive Place to Heal and Grow;
Achieve Deeper Intimacy with God and Those You Love;
Resolve Painful and Difficult Relationships; Experience Love in Action!
Date: June 11-12, 2005
Time: 9am-5pm each day
Location: hotel outside of BWI airport in Baltimore, Maryland
Cost: $150
Contact Organizer: Jarish Cohen
My Inspiration for putting this together:
Like many of our Second Generation, much of my life has been filled with painful experiences of sacrifice and relationships that were less than ideal. I struggled so much to find out who I was, where I fit in. I didn’t feel loved, I felt worthless, and I felt empty inside. This led to a lot of unhealthy behavior and trying to find love in all the wrong places. A year and a half ago, God intervened in my life and I have experienced amazing healing and love ever since, primarily from my family.
When I ‘came back’ to the movement, I realized I was not alone. I saw then and still see today, so many of our Second Generation struggling to find their identity and feel loved. Lack of love is the deepest pain one can experience and it breaks my heart to see so many of those around me with pain in their hearts and souls. I want healing to occur in their lives and thus I am putting together a healing seminar to do just that. This will not be just another seminar or workshop. This is a great opportunity to heal one’s heart and grow as a person and as a child of God.
-Jarish Cohen
Seminar Leader/Facilitator:
My father, who has invested many years of education, training and experience, becoming a nationally-famous author and counselor in the area of healing emotional wounds and achieving intimacy in relationships.
This seminar is for Second Generation and their parents who want to experience personal transformation. It will teach new ways to intimacy with oneself, others and God. This is an opportunity to access personal thoughts/feelings that may be blocking personal growth and achieving healthy relationships. It will be a two-day experiential seminar combining cognitive understandings with emotional processes, where vital life skills will be enhanced, and hope rekindled.
In a safe, non-judgmental environment, hearts will be healed, minds will be mended, and spirits set free! The topics include, discovering your inner child, reconciling relationships, experiencing the healing power of healthy touch, and fulfilling unmet love needs in healthy relationships. Experience a new way of being and the power of love in action. All participants are welcome to open up, share their deepest concerns, and allow remarkable healing to occur
Emily — ignore Jim. He’s a Cohen hack. Doesn’t like nice anti-gay Christian people hearing this type of stuff about his Tricky Dicky.
Warren Throckmorton went rather berko on the subject — in his posts and the posts from people there’s more evidence than one could care to poke a stick at. (clue: ie: if some “Emily K”, as example, was writing flyers on behalf of the secretive KKK… it would be a perfectly reasonable assumption that she is too.)
Unfortunately it’s not bundled up in one neat post or two (if it was, we’d give them links!)
Best you start at WT site and trawl backwards. Sorry, it’s a lot of work. It’s sort of tangled in between all the stuff about how Larry Craig is definitely not “gay”, like anyone ever could possibly think he was with that hair and slip-on shoes, and how Hilary Clinton is apparently really Satan in drag. (Ditto.)
sorry, doesn’t help much. Good hunting my dear…
Actually, you can get a fairly concise examination of the main sites I looked at on this page.