Friend of Exgaywatch Jim Burroway describes it this way:
I’ve spent the better part of the past year or more looking at how the far right puts together their “scholarly” anti-gay tracts.
After having looked at them for so long (especially how they misuse social science research), I thought to myself, “I wonder
what would happen if someone used these exact same methods to write an anti-straight tract?”And so, “The Heterosexual Agenda: Exposing the Myths” was born. It is now up on by website, in slick PDF format, available for
distribution at your church’s pot luck or neighborhood block party.
Jim has a bit more to say about the report on his site. Here’s a direct link to the report PDF.
Outstanding idea – have thought about something similar for a long time. Glad to see the scholarly Jim Burroway actually do it. I’m only a few pages in and it’s great. Everyone should read this to get a healthy perspective on how this kind of propaganda works.
I wrote a letter to a Florida newspaper last December indicating the problems of living a “heterosexual lifestyle,” ending up with a phrase: “…students should be educated that heterosexuals aren’t necessarily ‘bad” people, but that the ‘heterosexual lifestyle’ is bad for people.” Long gone from the original posting newspaper’s site, the letter was copied onto blogger site MattHillInc blog here.