Upon the news of Rosie O’Donnell agreeing to co-host ABC’s daytime TV program The View, Steve Boese’s blog A Tenable Belief observes:

Stephen Bennett touted his chance to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with Rosie O’Donnell at her blog almost a year ago. She posts mostly in verse, leaving things somewhat cryptic at times, naming Stephen “my born again straight man” …

To which Bennett responded a week later (June 4, 2005):

Ro – whether you like me or not, I care for you. I have no question you are a wonderful mother – and you and I are alike in so many ways.

Took Chloe and Blake today to the Seaport in CT to feed the ducks, buy them a little junk toy that will end up in the “Island of Misfit Toys” someday. Chloe (6) has 900 Barbie dolls – all with broken arms, afros and more. Blake (4) has every Bionicle and Power Ranger thing you can imagine.

I sincerely hope to be friends – not enemies. Opposites attract. Irene and I would love to come on the cruise – and pay the price. I truly have a heart and compassion for GLBT people — and I KNOW we’d hit it off with Kel’s parents. I just wonder if we would be welcome to cruise with you all. We’ve never been, and know we’d have a blast.

By the way, I saw Patty Lupone in Evita on Broadway 3 times and adored her. Her voice is beyond description. I’m getting the CD tomorrow.

Hope to hear from you – we’ve met many wonderful new friends from your blog – and we’d love to further our friendships. We are not gay – and I would hope that wouldn’t matter. Some of our best friends are gay and lesbian.

Sincerely in love,

Your “born again straight man” (your words)

Much love, peace and friendship…

As ATB notes, Bennett’s previous comments about O’Donnell have been far from “loving.” ATB gives Bennett the benefit of some doubt — waiting to see whether Bennett has mellowed or matured.

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