A post at ex-gay pastor D.L. Foster’s blog, apparently by Nigerian Pastor Kingsley Nwafor (the attribution is implied by a double quote preceding and following 600-some words of the piece) decries gay civil rights in South Africa. He credits gays with “diverting and destroying the purposes and destinies of men and nations.”
He takes comfort in his Nigerian homeland, though:
Thank God for the law in Nigeria prohibiting same-sex marriage or any related same-sex relationships. Thank God for the five years jail sentence. But there was a time in the whole of America, that homosexual strugglers were being arrested, beaten up,and even ostracised in some cases. Is that the case now in the whole of America? Why? The church and the Nigerian society have a vital role to play in order to offer the kind of solution needed.
Related discussion: NakedWriting.com
Ah yes, call the gays evil, blame them for the downfalls of the country, remind everyone how much better it would be if we’d done away with the gays earlier.
Now re-read my comment and replace the word gays with jews and then realize we as a society have been done this road before and we should have learned from our mistakes the first time, but I guess not.
Yes, Joe..and the system of apartheid was implemented by a man who admired Hitler.
Of course apartheid wasn’t the problem for nations and destinies, now was it?
Gay people weren’t the ones who developed that system of government for ‘coloreds’, now was it?
If all the gay people disappeared tomorrow…what would these people do for a life?
Okay, I just read that piece on the blog again…
‘not of the Kingdom’…if it’s gay…it’ll keep the rest of us out of it. So we gotta move first.
South Africa is gonna get blown up in the ‘end times’.
Why have the inmates broken out and are running countries?!
Does he mean Final Solution?
Somebody already tried that.
And look how he ended up.
And he started out a regular boy, horrible abused by a presumably heterosexual father.
He could have been an artist, instead of one of the world’s most brutal dictators.
I still say, peace in this world must lie in the spiritual release of women and homosexuals.
We ARE the keys to the Kingdom.
Why else is virtually this entire world so horribly invested in keeping us down, over and over and over again?
Maybe our power to shape worlds and destinies is real…but towards something that isn’t brutal or covetous of control over others.
Oh…just a thought.
The fact Dl felt the urge to promote this message is appaling. You would just think by now people would learn from history’s mistakes, but I guess not.
What blows me away is that he claims to minister and help homosexuals, how is this helping anyone? Really, how is this useful to help people. It would appear he hurts more than he helps.
Pastor Kingsley Nawfor has many pro-gay articles that are refreshing and hopeful for gays in Nigera, it is interesting to me that DL Foster chose this anti-gay, almost Nazi article to post on his blog.
(Why is this always me…) OK — some basic facts before we offer opinions:
Kingsley Nwafor runs GAYAID, the nom de plume of an anti-gay organisation. They swallow the squalid Exodus line about gender confusion blah blah blah hook line and sinker. Nwafor, of course, has no medical or scientific background.
Nwafor thinks that laws leading to 14 years imprisonment are “good”. (and sorry Joe — I wouldn’t therefore classify Nwafor as even remotely pro-gay)
This is a partner “ministry” to DL Foster’s own shonky outfit.
DL and Nwafor have been associated since (at least) mid/late 2003.
Nwafor is part of Exodus Global Alliance.
Nwafor is not gay or exgay, and actually had nothing to do with the subject until God (well, he thinks it was God) told him to set up a business called GAYAID.
Now that we all understand the two are actually the one and the same, I hope we will read DL’s promotion of these views for what they are.
Oh, now this is really funny…
Under “Causes” one finds Nwafor opining that “6. Masturbation: Masturbation is a form of homosexuality.”
You read it at XWG first:
Urgh, it’s 43-freakin-degrees today (that’s 109degF for you Americans) after 41degC (105degF) yesterday and another stinker the day before. Please think of us melting while you shiver in your long-johns…
Interesting news you bring, it only goes back to what I said, this isnothing mroe than modern day nazi propaganda….Sad we didn’t learn the first time.
Since I can only assume Dl will delete my comments at his blog, here is what I left for a comment.
This article is distrubing to say the least. It is very much like the claims against the Jews with Nazi propaganda. This doesn’t appear to fit with your mission of helping homosexuals. Your mission statement in part 3 says:
-Heighten awareness in the Body of Christ as to the need for compassionate, holistic ministry to affected persons by…
I fail to see how these untruths are compassionate or holistic. They sound more like frieghtening scare tactics. Why would homosexuals come to you for ministering if you are going to call them the axis of evil. Does this article present the truths you think will be compassionate to homosexuals or just turn them away from Christ even more?
While your mission to help others may lie in truth, your tactics appear to lie in fear, dehumanization and propaganda. I appeal to your greater sense of good and ask you to ask yourself: “Am I doing more harm than good?”
Joe Brummer | Homepage | 01.22.06 – 12:21 am | #
Brummer, you should know that DL Foster is anything other than a Christian. To say that he’s Christian is gross blasphemy. The man is obviously a raving lunatic with no comprehension of logic and now it seems he has the compassion of a sociopath. You’re right Jim, what a great poster boy for the religious reich to show middle America.
I think my ears and eyes could bleed.
I personally admire Bishop Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela.
I have this list of clergy that I think are very brave.
Jimmy Creech
Bishop John Shelby Spong
Pastor John Daniels (killed during his civil rights work in AL.)
and Desmond Tutu. (amid death threats and assault, stood his ground for equality for everyone.)
Bshp. Gene Robinson
Is it a coincidence that these men are mostly Episcopalian?
Has the SBC produced men or women of such standards?
I would wish to emulate these men, who are giants of compassion in my book.
I want to be as brave and intelligent, if not influential.
Sometimes one does have to be maverick among sheep.
That’s the stuff a Jesus Christ comes from.
A Buddha…a Moses.
A Susan B. Anthony or Harriet Tubman or Sojourner Truth.
There is always someone to stand up for, isn’t there?
I’ve picked my enemy and battle too…
So has Foster-he surrendered his orientation.
He’s surrendered to the forces that commit gay people to second class citizenship.
He’s surrendered his voice to and joined those akin to segregationists.
God hasn’t demanded surrender from his gay children, heteros do that and hide behind Scripture to enforce it.
Foster has surrendered to the windmills he’s tilting at.
I was out last night at a play for GLAAD. I’m on the theater committee.
While walking to have a drink with two of the actors and a playwrite and his wife.
An egg was thrown at us from a passing car.
The egg hit the sidewalk instead.
The usual targets are the trans folks. Some of those kids…are underdressed and it’s cold outside.
Some are too thin. It’s hard enough to be trying to scrape together money for a meal.
But the indignity of attack enraged me last night.
Two young trans folks were murdered last year in cold blood in their own homes.
One the former student of a trans friend of mine.
This is my family!
And if I’m to go down, it’s **cking SWINGING!
I wouldn’t surrender to this bull**it even if it suddenly cured my lupus!
Hey is GAYAIDS a front so that they can acquire government funding from our President Bush?
As long as it has ‘faith based’ in front of it, that’s qualifier enough to apply and receive money?
Bush has been so freehanded with AIDS money, or so he’d like us to think.
But who and which traditional AIDS relief orgs have gotten the most money?
Such as the ones that AREN’T faith based or part of a gay focused organization.
If he is doing that, especially if part of the ministerial agenda is EX GAY ministry-or some kind of conversion as penance for becoming infected…now the rock that N’wafor hid under has just been overturned perhaps?
The proposed anti-gay legislation in Nigeria has been commented on at the Thinking Anglicans site.
“In every dispensation,God uses a man or a people to harbinger or fulfill His move for such times. For that man or people,there is a wicked satanic rage to stop him from fulfilling his divine purpose and destiny.”
The Nigerian preacher suggests that the continent of Africa is specifically called to fulfill God’s plan but it’s also clear he thinks he speaks for Africa (and thus God).
This Nigerian pastor and DL seem to share a similar view. Both think that God has chosen them specifically to be His point-man on Earth to defeat the evils of homosexuality. And both seem to think that Satan is personally targeting them and any criticism is a demonic attack.
It all is so very focused on them as people that it borders on delusional. I have come to suspect that DL is so convinced of his own importance that he may not be completely sane.
While this minister seems rational, though homophobic and ignorant. However he appears to be similarly inclined to think of himself as called by God to export his intollerance and bigotry to America.
When you start thinking God needs YOU for “such a time as this” it’s usually time for the sraight-jackets.
When you start thinking God needs YOU for “such a time as this” it’s usually time for the straight-jackets.
Yeah, quite remarkable isn’t it…
An all knowing, all seeing, all powerful God (capable of raining frogs or smiting the entire Earth with a single thought) needs to contact some hack “graduate” from Liberty (sic) University (sic) via the television and ask for his help…
Personally, I prefer my God to be rather more omnipotent.Doesn’t seem much point otherwise 🙂
(I’m also sure my God won’t go “Meep Meep” either… WTF???!!!)
grant or dale,
which ever one of your personalities it is speaking this time, you have done a good (hack,hack) job *digging* up tidbits of information to support your hate. Any man who goes around the web referring to himself as if he is another man (ficitional?) is really kooky.
Your god is (according to the Bible) your belly. That is about as far as your life extends…the belly. It means that you are completely shallow in your thinking and shallow in your decision making. As evidenced by your the bipolarish moniker you have adopted for yourself. So any (hack*hack) remark coming from you, is really a golden compliment considering it came from such a lowly, albeit undefined source.
I see that DL is off his meds again.
His blog today is a real show of “Christian” love.
Mike A. or whoever’s on edit duty:
The above goes outside the polite posting requirements at XGW, as I understand it, but I would prefer that you let that one remain. For the record. What you do with future one’s of this type, up to you 🙂
This link, BTW, was deleted from DL’s blog at some earlier date (I have the link to the blog, but under the “no oxygen rule” I won’t place it here). Unlike DLs claimed life, our life is easily verified. You buy the airfare, we’ll buy the beer.
Timothy, your earlier assessment of melt-down… guess you won’t wish to revise it.
My, my. Mr. Foster is a rather testy fellow, isn’t he?
I did though feel very honored to be featured so prominently on his site. That’s a rare thing, from what I’ve been able to tell.
Cant’ say I feel the same way jody, but I think it stays with what I wrote on my site today.
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win”
Sorry Joe. I forgot to include my sarcasm HTML tags in the above.
grantdale (aka “lowly, albeit undefined source”)
I finally linked to the causes page. WOW!!! Is that guy nuts or what?!?
I especially loved his number 3 cause: cult membership and selling your penis to Satan for riches. I wonder what kind of contract you use for that.
Number 8 is fun too. Accidentally seeing gay imagery on websites. It seems your eye works like a camera and records the image and then you can’t help wanting to act it out.
Poor Nwafor. But he can almost be excused; Nigeria is not exactly known for its research into sexual psychology. But for someone like DL to encourage this guy and to feed into his ignorance and superstition is pure evil.
Joe, oh I thought that was Robbie Williams’ “Tripping” 🙂
Timothy, it is the usual contract. You’ve seen “Bedazzled” with Peter Cook and Dudley Moore I presume? (loved the leaping nuns…)
And you’re right — Nwafor has been delivered a doozy of a load of horse poo. I think the devil-craft type refs are prob. his own spin, but someone’s been hard at work with the nonsense. On another note: did you find it odd that Nwafor’s page features a very white Jesus and a very white “exgay” image (I presume that’s meant to be an exgay that Jesus is standing behind?) Another WTF??!!
And we did promise this to several of you, so here’s the long version of the Outback trip. We do these so that we don’t have to send postcards (except to the nieces and nephew).
Yeah, we’re cheap (but not easy…)
“Your god is (according to the Bible) your belly.”
Wait, did Foster just call Grantdale Bhudda?
He must have a cold, he’s hacking instead of meeping!
Re I did though feel very honored to be featured so prominently on his site. That’s a rare thing, from what I’ve been able to tell.
And according to Foster, you’re a nudist!
Well, all that naked writing and all…
OMG, It really is The Adventues of Grant and Dale, Queens of the Desert..
Sorry, I just couldn’t resist that one….you left yourself wide open for it….I really do apologize….
No apols needed Joe — you’re not the first :)We even got that while out there. Actually, the locals were cool about us (in case anyone is wondering what a trip like that would be like for themself). You run into numbnuts where ever you go, but the remote parts are full of so many excentric characters that we barely warranted a mention. People tend to mind their own business, and know where that starts and ends with regards to others. Now, if only we could export that attitude….
Grantdale said:
Yeah, quite remarkable isn’t it…
An all knowing, all seeing, all powerful God (capable of raining frogs or smiting the entire Earth with a single thought) needs to contact some hack “graduate” from Liberty (sic) University (sic) via the television and ask for his help…
While I have to be honest in that I have seen no evidence of the fruit of the Spirit in DL to date, I have to point out that history is full of God using rather ordinary people to do His work. Even confining ourselves to the examples in scripture alone this is obvious. I wouldn’t want disdain (no matter how justified) for for DL to cloud what is has always been part of the wonder of God’s relationship with man.
It is the shame that people like DL bring to the cause of Christ in just this manner that hurts me the most. I do, however, believe in the power of prayer, and I am praying that God will shake up DL’s life in such a way that he will understand the harm he is doing.
David, beliefs systems aside(and please don’t take take the wrong way — I’ll explain).
The comment, and I read Timothy’s the same way, is directed at the Man; not the God. As I recall… God uses the man, but certainly doesn’t need him. Talk about being annoited and essential for some heavenly mission rapidly makes you sound like a raving lunatic, and has inspired many a vile act. It’s good to be humble at such times one feels such an inspiration, and to also not feel a need to constantly remind people of your special status. (and in this particular case — As If!)
I wish I knew who said:
Hi grantdale!
Thanks for the pictures and congratulations being on the journey together for all these years.
And many more, lads!
That picture of you amidst all that flat red land…there’s parts of the state of Mississippi that look just like that.
grantdale, that quote seems to be by one Anne Lamott.
At what point do we just ignore DL Foster?
He seems to make a lot of noise, but with little affect. I have no problem with him making a petition to “stop” Joe Brummer. In fact I would sign it to support his effort, but that is the point it isn’t an effort. It has no effect.
The major difference between the petition to stop Stephen Bennett and DL’s: Stop ex-gay watch and little ole me is that, one has an outcome of truth. It is an act to bring the truth to someone in love. It is not selfish act to humiliate others, but an act to speak out on the injustice being done to an entire popualtion of the world.
This quote from Gandhi (which I have been reading a lot of gandhi lately, sorry if that bores anyone.) This says much about the difference between my petition to stop the hate speech of Straight Talk Radio and DL’s lastest post on his blog.
Gandhi said: “Nonviolence and cowardice are contradictory terms. Nonviolence is the greatest virtue, cowardice the greatest vice. Nonviolence springs from love, cowardice from hate. Nonviolence always suffers, cowardice would always inflict suffering. Perfect nonviolence is the highest bravery. Nonviolent conduct is never demoralizing, cowardice always is.
grantdale said:
It’s good to be humble at such times one feels such an inspiration, and to also not feel a need to constantly remind people of your special status. (and in this particular case — As If!)
I agree, and would go further to say that being humble is almost a prerequisite for being chosen in the first place. Pride is the original, root sin – it will certainly make one useless to God.
I just get upset when someone like DL brings God down into the muck of their own creation. Like others I have debated on whether this guy even rates discussion, but he does seem to be quoted in enough places that some response is required (but perhaps not as much as we have been giving him lately). I only heard of him a few months ago and, after looking over his blog a bit, decided he was angry (to the point of hysteria) and made no sense. I haven’t seen anything to change my mind since.
That’s cool David. Take it up with the DL’s of this World :)You’ve got a fair bit of work to do. Glad it’s you, not me.
Thanks Regan. You’re more than welcome. We’ll see what we can do about inviting you to our 50th anniversary. I think I may be in an iron lung or something by that advanced stage.And, oddly, I did get just such a photo from a Mum-with-gay-son in Mississippi. (Can’t remember if they were in the East or West of the State). The big difference is that inland Australia looks like that from Mississippi to about – urgh, about Chicago and beyond. And very little rain. But plenty of marlu and perenti.(that’s Pitjanjara for kangaroo and an enormous flippin goanna). Guess they’re not common in Mississippi, or Chicago, either.
And according to Foster, you’re a nudist!…
While I freely cop to writing with nothing between me and my chair, will easily admit to swimming without a suit on many occasions and that I find our American attitudes towards clothing, nudity, decency and sex both amusing and fascinating, I have to point out that Mr. Foster completely misses the irony in the name of the blog section of my site.
I’ll also point out that that probably comes as no surprise to anyone here.
I went to the ‘gay_aid’ website.
Oh snap! That guy is scary-nuts – how do
these people manage to live in the demon-haunted
world they inhabit? Imaginary friends I can
understand, but imaginary enemies?
However, in the bull-goose loony footrace,
DL’s got him lapped.
OK… I hate to give any more attention to crazy DL, but…
everytime I see his little logo it makes me chuckle. It is two capital P’s back to back. At first glance it appears to consist of… um… two spherical objects with a… protrudence between them (albeit a rather short protudence).
for someone who’s recovered from “the gay” it seems like an unusual image choice.
Timothy, I also hate to say this, but i can’t resist….I am a mental health worker and very into psych…turn the logo upside down….I will say nothing more and let you come to your own conclusion. I have thought this for awhile, funny you should have brought it up.
Joe and Tim you’re both terrible 🙂
Oh, thank heavens… (obviously willy-obsessed) Timothy mentioned it first!Yes. Was noticed. Decided it would be bad form to draw it to everyone’s attention and risk (false) conclusions about oneself. Timothy’s plainly not so concerned, but then he is from LA….
I held off as long as I could. I just hate being the tacky one… but I guess it’s my cross to bear
I think we neede a tension breaker and that worked…smiles and hugs to all!
Ok so how long do you figure it’ll take him to remove the logo?
We already know he obsessivly reads this blog.
I do want to make it very clear, I am not taking shots at DL. I am taking shots at his logo. It is easy to assume that to be a personal attack, and it is not. I think the logo is nice. I have designed tons of logos as a side job and that is a nice logo.
It is too easy to get carried away with a good joke. I have a sense a hunor, but I remind people that DL is not our enemy. He is a person with feelings and I am not out to hurt anyone’s feelings. I hope others consider this, even if they do not agree with me.
It is just a friendly reminder that regardless what you think of DL, he is a person with feelings and it makes us no better than him if we attack him.