The Grace Pages briefly reviews A Parent’s Guide to Preventing Homosexuality, authored by Joseph Nicolosi and published in 2002 by Inter-Varsity Press.
The examples of sappy, saccharine prose and badly dated gender roles leave me feeling embarrassed to have been an Inter-Varsity chapter co-leader.
To whatever minimal extent that sexual orientation might be influenced by early childhood parenting, Nicolosi’s introductory advice will no doubt create more confused people wondering if they are gay — and therefore more high-paying clients for his industry group.
Gee whiz,
Thanks to my non gender specific name, it’s possible for a girl with a strong name (they also give them to weak and premature newborns in NNICU’s as a psych tool for health and esteem)to get a psychological boost from it.
Papa saw that I was agile with a strong upper body-suitable for making a good boxer.
Which my father trained me to do since I was ten.
It may not have been a girlie pursuit and it defied gender behavior.
But that talent, trained into boxing, helped save my life on the urban streets I live on.
What’s a boy, what’s a girl?
Physical gender is a lot more than meets the eye.
Nicolosi has no understanding of PERSONHOOD and individual potential.
Where did he get the ‘doctor’ title from anyway?
Maybe he got it in botany?