Yesterday was the “Day of Truth.” The following news and propaganda sites have no follow-up coverage today:

Cybercast News Service
World Magazine Blog
SBC Baptist Press News
Family News in Focus

The only site which covered the “Day of Truth” was which ran a 200-word Associated Press article. Quote the AP story:

Alan Sears, president of the Alliance Defense Fund, said some participating students had been threatened through “intimidation and potential disciplinary action.”

No such evidence is offered up about “intimidation and potential disciplinary action” either in the article or ADF’s own website. Infact, the most recent press release linked on ADF’s main homepage is dated April 13th (the day BEFORE the “Day of Truth”) and for some unknown reason resorts to quoting a Detroit News online opinion poll showing overwhelming support for the event.

The Day of Truth has failed miserably but Alliance Defense Fund and religious right media outlets don’t even have the grace to accept it.

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