No Longer At VoxXGW reported in December that Exodus International downsized “youth specialist” Mike Ensley. However, no official word was ever publicly released on the websites of Exodus, President Alan Chambers, Vice President Randy Thomas, or even Ensley himself. In fact, Ensley’s blog – – kept running as though all was normal well after news got around he was fired laid off. Ensley was a frequent commenter at Randy Thomas’ own blog up until as recently as this past November. But not a peep was mentioned about his being let go.

Ensley now seems to have officially disintegrated his blog, although Randy still keeps a (now dead) link to it in his blog roll. And even though he no longer is employed by Exodus, his biography page remains on the site and easily discovered through a Google search. On the Exodus Youth page, Ensley has authored a great deal of the articles present and a link leads to an official page listing the posts credited to him. His most recent post is dated at December 10th 2008, about 2 months ago.

Freelance photography may be his next move. His MySpace page describes him as “an aspiring writer, photographer and artist living in Orlando.” Included in his portfolio are images from Exodus and “ex-gay”-related events.

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