An article by Rita Price in the Columbus Dispatch is either a very clever swipe at the ex-gay movement or an unintentionally hilarious sincere effort at reporting. A few of my favorite quotes are:

“Don’t tell me that I have to be gay,” said David, 36, a teacher and member of the same group. “Who is the American Psychological Association, the American Psychiatric Association, to say that no one can change?

“Can you be certain there are no white ravens? No, you can’t. Not unless you’ve seen them all.”

And James, 50, a member of Bridge of Hope, explains his goals:

“I’m tired of being an exception. A man and a woman fit. I want to be able to sit down at dinner across from the woman I love and brush the hair out of her face. I want to know that.”

Helping to bring about David’s reorientation is Elton L. Moose of Springfield. Moose is 70 and has been married 49 years but in the 80’s was “discovered” and lost his position as a church pastor.

But like the men and women he counsels today in his Springfield and Dublin offices, Moose refused to pronounce himself gay. His wife stood by him. He became a charter member of the National Association for the Research and Therapy of Homosexuality and, in 2001, a subject in Dr. Robert Spitzer’s famous sexual-orientation study.

Moose gives us the quintessential example of the definition of success in the ex-gay movement:

Moose said change is difficult. About a third of his clients succeed, he said. And even those who do often continue to wrestle with what it means to live as “heterosexuals with homosexual attractions.”

I can’t tell if the tears I have are from laughing so hard or out of pity.

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