Marvin Olasky’s World Magazine has taken to attacking the United Methodist Church for simply allowing the gay-friendly Methodist group, Reconciling Congregations, to use its facilities.

Apparently because Reconciling Congregations holds a differing opinion on one spiritual matter WORLD Magazine deems it “highly inappropriate to rent those facilities.” Perhaps only those Methodists who agree with church policy on all issues and don’t see to create positive change should be allowed to use their own church’s facilities?

All I ask is that you take a moment and point out the spiritual hypocrisy, elitism and ugliness of this view to WORLD Magazine by posting a comment to their blog.

Update: To be clear, the purpose of this is not to get into arguments with the comment trolls on WORLD’s site but rather to stand up to the editor and let them know you don’t appreciate their publication’s espousal and defense of bigotry.

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